Do You Wish You Lived Somewhere Else?


Well-known member
For me preferably I'd either like to live in San Francisco or North Carolina one of the blue states more likely one more so than the other.

I just really despise where I live I feel if I lived somewhere else I would get out more and just enjoy being outside, instead I live in a place where people are bland, live off statements and have no creativity at all.

I would have liked to have gone to a really big American school or to go to a big college.

I used to think that all my problems would go away and I would get out more and change if my environment changed but unless I change myself, it will never matter where I go. You bring your personality traits with you, good and bad and just changing the setting doesn't do anything.

I can say this from experience. I am from Colorado and always used to complain about how things would be so much better if I moved to Europe. I have studied abroad over here twice and now I am living over here and things don't change just because I moved....I have to change myself then the way I see the world will change...I perceive the world how I perceive myself so if I see the world as bland and uninteresting, that tells me something about myself.....I am just saying that I attract what I think about so if I think the world is bland or the people around me are bland, I will surround myself with people like that, it is the law of attraction.


Well-known member
I'm pleased I grew up in England but I wouldn't mind living in a country which is a bit less superficial and a bit more friendly. Seems to me that whenever I go abroad, be it to Asia, the states or even as close as mainland Europe, the people always seem that little bit more friendly. I know that it's maybe just the parts I've been to, and that the 'grass is greener' and all that jazz but I would love to live somewhere where the people are a bit more relaxed and there's more going on outdoors all the time; not just at fetes on occasional weekends in the Summer.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I do, but I'm not exactly sure where. A place where there's actually something to do would be great. I mean, other than going out and getting drunk on Friday or Saturday night. You're actually better off staying indoors, it seems.

Because there not much here where I live, it's a fairly quiet wee town in south west Scotland. There used to be a local cinema but that got shutdown in the late 1990s/early 2000. The fact you have go to the next nearest town to find anything decent to do doesn't say much either.


Well-known member
Id love to live somewhere in europe.

Accents = hawt!!! (nevermind id have the same accent if i was born there)

also MUCH easier to get my hands on a small diesel powered vehicle >.>


Well-known member
I cannot function in the cold.
Not that I go outside much to begin with, though...
And I'm allergic to the sunlight - and would be totally miserable if it were to rain all the time, so...
I think I'm left with nowhere on the planet?
I suppose I'm living in the right place, anyways.
I've always lived in Canada- born and raised; have never left... and even if I don't speak to anyone and I cannot function at all 8-9 months of the year, I can't see myself living anywhere else.

The population thing isn't really an issue.
I've wished in the past that I could be in the city, since there are more opportunities but there is also more competition for things, and I'm not the competitive type.
Wherever I end up, I'll just have to try and adapt in my own way.


Well-known member
I often wonder about living in those countries that most people never seem to be aware of. Probably a country in Africa or Asia, I guess. I've often wondered about Madagascar, Mauritania, Chad or maybe Kazakhstan and the rest of Eurasia, or even rural China. A place where perhaps technology doesn't have as great an influence as it does in my current life. Somewhere rural, simple and far away from city life.


Well-known member
I think it might be cool to live in Alaska, near a bigger city, not somewhere so secluded that it can only be accessed by plane.
Ooh yes I do. How much I wished for.

You people may guess. The person whose guess is correct, I will write a song for. :)


About his/her life what he/ she has written on the forum and I will summarize it together in a song. (no worries, just anonymously and a nice song.:))

<3 hugs


Active member
I hate living where i live. Too many noisy dogs barking. My dream is to live out in the Country where there are maybe only 1 or 2 neighbours but spaced quite far apart. With a huge garden so i could go out and walk about in it and decorate it at Christmas time.
Just waiting for that Lotto win to come in then it's all mine, lol.


Well-known member
I'm really glad I live in Australia. It's a vast country with lots of different climates. We may have our downfalls, but I really like living here.

I hate living where i live. Too many noisy dogs barking. My dream is to live out in the Country where there are maybe only 1 or 2 neighbours but spaced quite far apart. With a huge garden so i could go out and walk about in it and decorate it at Christmas time.
Just waiting for that Lotto win to come in then it's all mine, lol.
Yeah, that would be great! Come on, lotto! :D


Well-known member
It wuld make no difference where i would go. I've been on holiday to places and still felt sh#t!


Well-known member
I do, but I'm not exactly sure where. A place where there's actually something to do would be great. I mean, other than going out and getting drunk on Friday or Saturday night. You're actually better off staying indoors, it seems.

Because there not much here where I live, it's a fairly quiet wee town in south west Scotland. There used to be a local cinema but that got shutdown in the late 1990s/early 2000. The fact you have go to the next nearest town to find anything decent to do doesn't say much either.

The nearest decent cinema is 60 miles away from me. There is a tiny one in a town 15 miles away. There used to be one in the nearest city 30 miles away but they knocked it down to make student flats.

There's very little to do here other than hobbies. I live in rural place which is nice, but it can get lonely.