Do You Wish You Lived Somewhere Else?


Well-known member
I hate living where i live. Too many noisy dogs barking. My dream is to live out in the Country where there are maybe only 1 or 2 neighbours but spaced quite far apart. With a huge garden so i could go out and walk about in it and decorate it at Christmas time.
Just waiting for that Lotto win to come in then it's all mine, lol.

I live in the country. The place i live has a lot of houses but the nearest small shop is a mile away. We do get dogs barking here too....Well not bad now as the farm across the road used to have kennels of sheep dogs that would bark all night, but the farmer and his wife have been dead a few years now.


Well-known member
Ooh yes I do. How much I wished for.

You people may guess. The person whose guess is correct, I will write a song for. :)


About his/her life what he/ she has written on the forum and I will summarize it together in a song. (no worries, just anonymously and a nice song.:))

<3 hugs

...I would guess Canada ... ?
I am content with the country I live in, I just want to move further south to where the heat is dry instead of humid.


Well-known member
I would definitely like to live somewhere else. Preferably alone. I envy those that can. Nowhere particular so long as it isn't humid or loud.
I´m happy I guessed right! I have been paying attention, it seems!
Yes please.. All though it makes me shy to think about it! ::eek:: But yes do it!

I will !! Just takes some time but will post it on your profile when it's finished...

Good attention, you know that attention is one of the root(s) to cure SA? :) I'm taking a Social Anxiety network research.. in Leiden Holland... I hope it will help me any further with stuff. I want to know more more more :p


Active member
I wish I were natural born Japanese.. possibly I'd be 100% hikkikomori anime, manga, game otaku.... but i'm not :S... but close to that


Well-known member
I will !! Just takes some time but will post it on your profile when it's finished...

Good attention, you know that attention is one of the root(s) to cure SA? :) I'm taking a Social Anxiety network research.. in Leiden Holland... I hope it will help me any further with stuff. I want to know more more more :p

Awwww I feel honoured that u are gonna do it.
Maybe it will be a hit and we will be famous?

Hmmm Holland is pretty close maybe I should go to Leiden as well then.


I should be grateful that I live in a relatively safe and demcratic country... but being the complainer that I am I would still rather be somewhere else. I dont feel like I partiaularly fit in very well with my country men. They say New Zealanders are friendly...and we are...but, we also very reserved and quite superficial. I cant quiet put my finger on it... what it is exactly.... I do get a little tired of people pretending to care when they in fact really dont. We also have a MAJOR napolean complex. Did you know New Zealand made the lord of the rings films?....yep...over ten years ago now...and we still need to be congratulated for it...I can think of many examples.

I admit, I am not really a believer in patriotism. Sad I know... New zealand in the 60's and 70's was a GOOD place...but now...society has turned from a "we" society into a "me" society. I would rather be somewhere else where I can say "hello" to someone and not feel like I have done something wrong.

maybe the cook islands... or somewhere in eastern europe... I dont know.. I need to do more travelling.

*disclaimer - all of this is possibly a mere refelction of my personal insecurities and feelings of inadequacy.


Well-known member
i wish i lived in the States,probably a little town,or one of those hippie communities,it looks like no one judges and everyone is friends with everyone^ ^oooh that'd be lovely.
sometimes i wish i could move to Scotland or Sweden,but somewhere very isolated.i've traveled twice,alone and i guess because everything was so different,i almost felt completely sa free.


Well-known member
Yeah I wished I lived somewhere else. I dont know I like Canada but its not all its cracked up to be. "Canadians are so friendly" dont believe that for a second,most people here wont give you the time of day especially in the cities. No offence to americans but a lot of your problems and riff raff start to spill into Canada. You start to see men and women with disgusting tans straight out of the jersey shore. We're wasteful pigs that throw out things that are brand new and drive monsterous gaz guzzling hummers and SUVs. <seriously if its one thing thats always irked the hell out of me is that people drive these big ass vehicles that could topple houses just for themselves with no other passengers. Thats why i never drive to school,theres no need to drive just for myself so I take the bus instead.

I think I would rather live in europe somewhere.
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Well-known member
Even though, I am in love with Florida, as the place itself, I think Australia would be my dream place to live in :) The surfing, the laid-back people, the climate... Everything seems perfect!


Well-known member
Even though, I am in love with Florida, as the place itself, I think Australia would be my dream place to live in :) The surfing, the laid-back people, the climate... Everything seems perfect!
Plus I'm here and you could come visit me. :D