we should pull the plug on the third world. If you're living on a garbage heap, why are you having children and why do charity panhandlers expect me to support them when even I cant afford to bring them up right?
I come to this thread and I end up with this...
While I can see your point, there are several reasons:
Some women of poor ghettos and the like in third world countries have a "mathriarcal" power of sorts, have lots of kids so when they grow up they gather money and steal and the kind of stuff for her and she has nothing to do with it.
Social reasons, "you're not a real man/woman if you don't have kids, and the more kids you have, the more of a man/woman you are".
But the most common one: plain and simple horniness. Just the thrive to **** endlessly.
A real support that isn't just giving people money (because they think of charity as getting money without doing anything), is giving them proper education. Once you give them PROPER education, and a wider look at things, how to use reason and logic, then problem solved.
Otherwise you get beasts that can talk.
For a time in Mexico, populance lowered and we had a good brief spike in economy, with the slogan "The smaller family lives better". Using all sorts of advertisements to convince people that if they have 1 or 2 kids, that's enough and they'llhave a better family economy.
And the moment they stopped that publicity, BAM, they began to reproduce like cockroaches.
Of course the biggest reason why third countries exist to begin with it's their goverment. They abuse in the extreme, stealing as much money from the budgets as possible, giving the police and the beaurocracy very small wages, thus creating petty corruption (i.e. give the cop 10 dollars if he pulled you over and he won't do anything). And fighting a goverment is hard...
But sure, keep your Nietzsche Wannabe/Straw Nihilist thoughts if you wish, but the third world issue is far deeper and worse than what meets the eye.
Anyway, answering the main question, yes, I'd like 1 or 2 kids. I'd very much like a daughter and take care of her. In a good place, not this horrible war-thorn country.