Honestly, I don't think I have a life. I wake up, go to work, come home and get ready to do it all over again. I feel like I am just going through the motions. I have no friends outside of my relationship. I feel like I am wasting my life and feel totally lost on what my purpose in life is. Does anyone else feel this way?
Sarah, I am yearning for that life back! Don't ever let it go!! Maybe some people have a job they don't like. I can understand, possibly, but I have adored every day I have ever worked and earned a living, from selling artists' painting portfolios, door-to-door as a student, Domino Pizza delivery by moped, a a student, and loved everything ever since. It would never come close to wanting to quit. People just fire me, and I'm not technically lacking at all. I scientifically embrace problems, fix them, coming up with solutions, as an engineer, but the longer I spend time redundant, the further I dig into a trench of poor employment history. The social incabability is why I get fired but can't understand it. Want someone to decorate your house? You get someone to do it, and pay them. I get it all done, in Data Management. But if the client doesn't know what colour to put on the walls, they might not like it. Or if the painter did something socially unacceptable (never speaking) or having an affair with the client's daughter..? They's dismiss the painter? I never did anything like that
I knew this would happen, right from my first time I ever got fired. Somehow I knew - there was a crazy factor - the job was being done. Client decided to get rid of me. Nobody tells me why. That's the hardest part!
From job-to-job, job-to-job, job-to-job, job-to-job, job-to-job, job-to-job, job-to-job, job-to-job, job-to-job,...
Life is always perfect with routine - back to the grind - up early, home late. I've learned the paradise, and never want to lose it. I'd do anything to have that back. Hermit, monkish life wears you down into a spiral.
Apart from something voluntary... I'll do anything to resume a life cycle.
Avoiding a boss' sexual favours.
Anyone say what your job is, in verbose detail?