Do you believe in ghosts?


Well-known member
I believe in quite alot of things. I think humans are far from the technologically advanced species we think ourselves to be, in fact i still think were a toddler race. In the grand scheme of things i think were still a bunch of tots who are debating about trundling across the living room to the other chair (the moon).

In short, i believe in ghosts, aliens, MIB's, pretty much everything unexplained that hasnt been proved. Because as hard as it is to PROVE somthing, its just has hard to DISPROVE somthing.


Well-known member
I don't believe in ghosts, hopefully world was like on tv imagines...but it is difficult for me to believe


it always surprises me when people over 12 still believe in ghosts. they are the same as santa, the easter bunny, bigfoot, aliens, god. ::p:


I was well into that as a kid, living in an old pub near Wales for 9 years. Thinking of the structure in there was BIZZARRE! I ran up and down a corridor so long i kept lookin one way and the other, always scared there was someone behind me. That's natural, isn't it,when you're pre 10?

Moving house to a more populated city later, away from that tiny village gave me a better outlook. I miss it! I miss the countryside! I wanted to go back there with friends, taking bikes to ride into a place beyond civilisation. The pub was desolate, empty, boarded up, and i wanted to camp there for a night - inside - my home - having a look, feeling the ghosts. Too late! Apartment have been built there. The school i went to there has disappeared, apartments have arrived.

Related: religon (pure atheist), not jokey stuff, as Pepplesdundee says, i see myself as a bit invisible in this world - i used to be OK - not taken seriously these days.

I had days out to have fun in the woods there. Streams, castles, lakes, playing with a rubber dinghy. I saw skeletons all over the bottom of a lake. I want to go back there.
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I didn't believe until I was told the story of when my mother saw her father looking over me in the hospital after I was born. You could see a positive dip in the bed where he was leaning and she felt the pressure as if he were looking over to see me...
That and I go to a ton of methodist churches, the first I was doubting, but when I saw people being told information they didn't even know themselves, that they later researched to see was true...
My brothers home is also somewhere where a lot of stories are from. He's lived there with my nephew and sister-in-law since my nephew was around the age of 2 or 3. Since day one, my nephew would talk of the 'sad man', he would read with him, laugh with him and sometimes it would appear he was hugging him. Being so young, he wouldn't have known what ghosts even were... We try not to mention it to him now he's a little older, yet he still, rarely, speaks of the 'sad man'.
Another experience in my brothers home was where my sister had gone round the house and turned every single one of the clocks forward an hour, ready for the spring. She went downstairs after turning the last clock and found the living room clock to have the previous time before she had turned it forward. She thought she'd just forgotten it so turned it forward again and went to my nephews room...Only to find every clock on the way to have also been turned back...And my sister loves clocks so it's not like there's few!
We've also had money, jigsaw pieces and phones just go missing. You can leave your £5 on the table whilst the house in empty, go to the toilet and come back to find it's gone... Strange.
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Well-known member
That same girl I had seen by the bathroom when I was 10 was seen numerous times afterwards by the people who lived in that apartment (my friend and her family) as well, I'm assuming, by our friends. The girl with the black hair, my friend named her Clara. It had just "come" to her.

She saw Clara in the bathroom a lot. That's the spot she frequented the most. She once saw Clara behind her on the water faucet reflection while she was taking a bath. And when she would use the bathroom, she would hear strange noises, see things in the corner of her eye and things would sometimes fall. We dreaded having to use the bathroom when we were there. It seemed like all the ghosts were 'living' in there.

During the years we lived in those apartment we had began to know "3 ghosts" at her place. I moved out years before she did (and even now the new place she lives in is "haunted") but we still saw the same stuff. There was what we thought were two girls and one man. We had snapped a picture of the bathroom once during an "investigation". We found nothing, so we thought, but later I pointed out the image of a man walking out of the bathroom. Her step-father had once woken up to a ghost in his face.

Needless to say, we had a lot of fun there. For the majority of the time we never felt the ghosts were trying to hurt us. They just wanted to be heard.


Well-known member
Lots of weird stuff used to go on over at my cousin's old house. Strange sounds, invisible hands giving you a shove, dark shadows ducking around corners, and even a pair of mysterious feet seen poking out from the other side of the open refrigerator door. Very weird place, so I guess you could say I do but something in me says they don't exist. So I'm on the fence kinda...


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Well-known member
This reminds me I had a crush on Bill Murray once. I am still not sure why though!::p::rolleyes:
I've often had crushes on people without any logical reason, mother nature is quite puzzling sometimes.
lol yeah what is it will Bill Murray too when I was little.


Well-known member
I have never seen ghosts.

However, I do have troubling nightmares about my old family home. I often dream I am spending the night there alone, and it is very much haunted.

I loved that place, and when it was sold and demolished, I started having dreams that I was still inside and the wreckers were pulling it down.


Well-known member
Ahhhh is this the right topic for a bunch anxiety sufferers?:eek::eek::eek:
I don't know. I have never seen any ghosts, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.


Well-known member
I definitely believe in ghosts. I haven't seen any but I've experienced both sides of the spirit world. After I got in legal trouble and had a jail sentence hanging over me (car chase as a teen), I prayed and asked God to help me get thru everything. That night I awoke to find something literally twitching my heart, again and again. It was like a hand was manipulating it. Plus I felt paralyzed, like something was sitting on me. Felt like my brother was staring at me, in the dark. Lots of freaky stuff. That was a long night. The next morning, I told my father and he felt it was the dark side annoyed because they were losing me to the good side.
Now, as a Christian, I can absolutely guarantee you, slam dunk, no question about it, that once you experience the Holy Spirit, with His exquisite gifts of joy, love, patience, etc, you positively know that Jesus is for real and God. There's no way we could generate such thoughts/emotions on our own. So, yes, there's definitely a supernatural world. Many deny it, but would a freak, random explosion really create 300 sextillion stars and 7 billion humans, each with 100 trillion cells and enough functional DNA strands to literally stretch to the moon and back?


Well-known member
Ghosts do not exist. It's an explanation for things we can't explain "what was that sound, why is this room cold", an affinity for the afterlife in whatever form, and something unexplainable that we all enjoy because it breaks up the monotony of daily life, all rolled up into one construct. If ghosts were real, every experience with ghosts would be witnessed the same. Instead, there are various interpretations that all contradict each other. Maybe one of those experiences is true, but it's impractical to believe every story just in case it's the truth

A couple questions then. Why aren't all spirits naked? Clothes can't die.

If ghosts can pass through walls, how come they don't fall through the floor?
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Well-known member
"If ghosts were real, every experience with ghosts would be witnessed the same. Instead, there are various interpretations that all contradict each other. Maybe one of those experiences is true, but it's impractical to believe every story just in case it's the truth"

No, ghosts can masquerade as many things, and some attempt to trick humans. That's why the Bible forbids contact with "familiar spirits," like using seances/ouija boards. They can be demons pretending they're people we knew. Sometimes the various interpretations of experiences can be because we don't fully understand what's happening.

Witnesses interpret what occurred at a crime scene differently too. Does that mean the event didn't take place?