Do you believe in ghosts?


Well-known member
i whole heartedly believe in ghosts and other "supernatural" things. i believe 100% that we are not alone in this universe, extra terrestrial life exists. but i've never seen an alien or a ghost before- but ive seen a ufo and believe that ive felt the presence of a ghost/disembodied spirit or energy on multiple occasions. i'm not religious at all but i believe in an "afterlife" sort of thing as we are eteral- our brains and consciousness are a result of energy(electricity), the human body and brain produces energy and energy can never die, it can only be transfered. therefore WE_R_ETERNAL even if you you don't believe in heaven or hell we are indeed eternal.


Well-known member
also a lot of people believe that ghosts, aliens, and other "supernatural" beings that have been witnessed/communicated with are truly inter-dimensional beings that lie and fool us into believing that they are truly something else-- i dunno how i feel about that but i suppose it's possible!


Well-known member
"If ghosts were real, every experience with ghosts would be witnessed the same. Instead, there are various interpretations that all contradict each other. Maybe one of those experiences is true, but it's impractical to believe every story just in case it's the truth"

No, ghosts can masquerade as many things, and some attempt to trick humans. That's why the Bible forbids contact with "familiar spirits," like using seances/ouija boards. They can be demons pretending they're people we knew. Sometimes the various interpretations of experiences can be because we don't fully understand what's happening.

Witnesses interpret what occurred at a crime scene differently too. Does that mean the event didn't take place?

Well, in my example, that would like one witness saying they saw a shooting and another witness saying it was just a stick up robbery with a knife. Those are pretty vast differences. But all of these things are untested explanations, just something people input into situations with either random occurrences or anything with a pattern.

We also live in a culture where show are glamorizing it, and where if you don't believe in it, you're "close-minded".

I always think of this phrase "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". People claim to see ghosts which generally are people who passed on without their bodies..... yeah, I'm going to need more than you felt a hand on your back to confirm that.


Well-known member
I think ghosts do exist. There have been too many sightings etc. My friend has seen her dead father walking around the house several times. And I don't know how it happened, but one night I was asleep and all of a sudden I woke up in a cold sweat, thinking about my Nana. The next morning, a framed photo of my cousins which my Nana had used to keep on her television set had randomly fallen onto my bedroom floor.

That can be explained by your subconscious. One time I was sleeping and all of the sudden the dream got really vivid and everybody in it started looking like demons and made this horrible noise and shaking. I woke up all scared to find out my phone was vibrating right next to me and that weird sound got in to my dream.

So I would imagine you heard it fall in your sleep and your subconscious mind incorporated it in to your dreams.

A lot of angel visiting, UFO abducting, dead friends coming to see you happens when people are in bed right? What if instead of that, people are just having very vivid dreams?