Do you believe in ghosts?


Well-known member
While I don't believe in all things considered supernatural, I definitely believe in ghosts.

Back when I was living in NJ, our house was haunted by one of the former residents that had lived there before. We believe it was the old woman who had died in the house a few years before. Anyway, I remember as a kid, whether I was playing with my toys, playing video games, or watching tv, I always felt a little bit of goosebumps on my arm. Then I'd feel either a hand on my shoulder, someone sitting next to me, or someone playing with my hair. At night I would sometimes hear the floor creak like someone was walking through the house. It was weird. I was pretty freaked out at first, I was only 7. But I eventually just got used to the feeling and didn't even feel freaked out anymore.

And you lived with it!WOW this thread is getting real spooky


Well-known member
About 5 years ago, I was lying at my bed at night, at my grandmother’s house, trying to sleep. I started hearing this really spooky noise, like ghosts do in the movies. It got me thinking…”what the hell could that be?” Eventually I fell asleep.

Next morning, conversation between me and my grandmother:

Grandmother - “Good morning. Had a good night of sleep?”
Me – “Yeah, I did…how about you?”
Grandmother –“Not at all…your grandfather was screaming the whole night, his leg was hurting”



I had an "out of body" experience once (actually it was only in my head) I heard really scary demon voices,I saw a light coming from the other room,but then I really panicked and waked up,only to find that the voices and light were from the tv,which in my dream state screwed up any kind of recognizable speech.


Well-known member
I had an "out of body" experience once (actually it was only in my head) I heard really scary demon voices,I saw a light coming from the other room,but then I really panicked and waked up,only to find that the voices and light were from the tv,which in my dream state screwed up any kind of recognizable speech.
^ That's pretty freaky. I had an "out of body" experience once, and it was in my head too. It freaked the living crap out of me though. I never want to experience it again. D:


Well-known member
I certainly do. I've had plenty of experiences here in my home, more so after my grandmother died. For starters, I always hear footsteps in the attic and sounds similar to a knee cracking besides my bed at night, I usually find things misplaced, especially items that I haven't touched at all for a while, the lights around the house flicker occasionally, and sometimes at night I feel the bed shift or inundate like someone is throwing themself on top of it or sitting down besides me.

The most memorable experience for me happened last summer at around 3 am. I was asleep for a few hours until 3:15 when I suddenly awoke to the feeling of someone crawling next to me on the bed, starting from the foot of the bed towards where my head was resting on the pillow. I also heard heavy breathing that got louder as whatever it was got closer to where my head was.

I didn't get the feeling that whatever it was that was doing this to me was evil but I never really had any physical experiences with the paranormal prior to this experience so I was obviously freaked out beyond my wits to fully comprehend what was happening. I wanted to scream and get my mom's attention so she could come over to my room and see what was going on but I was so terrified that my voice wouldn't come out, so I just buried my face into the pillow, pulled the covers over my head and prayed that it would stop and once I prayed for about a minute or so it stopped.

I know for a fact that I was awake when this happened because I looked over at the clock when I suddenly woke up and saw that it said 3:15 and as soon as it stopped I waited for a few minutes to see if anything else would happen and when I felt that the coast was clear I made a dash for the light, turned it on, didn't see anything, went into the hall towards the living room, turned on all the lights, and watched tv for about an hour to calm myself down.

I never told my mother about what happened as not to freak her out since she's had a lot of weird experiences in this house too and nothing really strange has happened since then besides all the stuff I listed in the first paragraph, which is absolutely nothing compared to that night. I'm getting goosebumps just typing all of this down...


Well-known member
When I was little I would constantly see "shadow people". I mean this is when I was very young, and still I might see something in the corner of my eye but it's nothing like when I was little. They would hide in the house like in the corners, between vacuums and anywhere they could fit. I can't remember much except they were like black figures, just like an outline, can't remember that they had details. Kind of reminds me of that guy on those neighborhood watch signs, the guy with the hat and trenchcoat. They were like supernatural ninjas! When I was little, I remember I would just stare at them but they never bothered me.

The first time I can remember seeing a 'ghost', like a full body apparition was when I was about...well, I can't remember, I was maybe like 10ish, give or take a few years. Anyway I was always into the paranormal while I was growing up, even now I am still really interested in. I grew up with family stories and my grandmother's house is ridiculously haunted that I have too many stories to tell (most of the family stories come from that house, the one my dad and his brothers and sisters grew up in when they first moved to the States in the 70s). Anyway, the apartments we lived in at that time were very haunted. I saw things, my brothers did, my dad did and my best friend who lived across the street in the apartments too, both our apartments were haunted.

Well, usually during the night when one of us had to use the bathroom we would wake the other up to come along, just for company because the bathroom was the scariest place, you just got a creepy feeling in there. I was spending the night, and we were like usual sleeping on the floor in the living room and she woke me up in the middle of the night, like 3 AM and said she was going to the bathroom. The odd thing is she didn't ask me to come with her and I didn't which is really weird but it didn't seem so at the time. I was sitting up just waiting for her and like glancing into the TV to see the reflections behind me because in the hall way the first thing was the bathroom and then down the hall were the bedrooms. Well my friend was in the bathroom and I for some reason had the urge to turn around and saw a girl staring back at me. She had an old dress, white, possibly Victorian or something, with like a ruffle patch and her hair was jet black. She vanished and I vaguely remember holding onto my bear and telling myself there wasn't anyone there. As soon as that happened my friend came out of the bathroom and she had no idea, lol. I couldn't wait to tell her, it was so exciting.
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Well-known member
I'm not sure where I stand. I don't believe in God or life after death, so that makes believing in ghosts hard. On the other hand, I have experienced things that are unexplainable and I've had people that I trust tell me their experiences with ghosts.

Weird thing that happened to me....when I was 15, I had made a science fair project out of a remote controlled truck, which I had sitting in the corner of my room. In the middle of the night the truck turned on and started going back and forth across my room. I was too scared to get out of my bed. So I just sat there until the truck made it all the way across the room and then I ran and got my brother, who went and took the batteries out, after having a good laugh at me.

I can understand maybe some weird current was built up with the batteries, but did it have to go moving around in my room in all different directions!

Does anyone have a possible explanation for this?

I'm sitting here all alone in the dark and it still scares me! lol

I dont know,so it looks like when we die we get to spend the eternity trolling people?:D

My computer was like this and at least once with the tv,I would turn off then it would turn on,I would turn off then after 3 or 4 minutes it would turn on,at first it was a bit scary,but then it got funny,I think it was the power source,dont know :D


Well-known member
My remote control toys used to go weird once in a while. Some sort of radio interference.

The ghost shows provide good evidence against ghosts. They can spend 8 hours with 10 of them in a super haunted place and the best they get is a "voice" they "cleaned up" on an audio recorder that still doesnt sound like anything. If I had 40 hours of audio with tons of background noise and a group of people stumbling in the dark, I'd expect some weird noises.

Or if they find something good on video, its something that you can fake. I don't think people would watch the show if they didn't have some startling evidence conveniently collected.

I used to watch TAPS on ghost hunters, until they were doing one of their halloween specials and the back of one of their jackets was tugged and it was so obviously faked, you'd think they'd be more clever. Totally ruined the show for me.

But I would go on a ghost hunt. It looks fun, even if I don't expect anything except being spooked out.


Well-known member
My remote control toys used to go weird once in a while. Some sort of radio interference.

The ghost shows provide good evidence against ghosts. They can spend 8 hours with 10 of them in a super haunted place and the best they get is a "voice" they "cleaned up" on an audio recorder that still doesnt sound like anything. If I had 40 hours of audio with tons of background noise and a group of people stumbling in the dark, I'd expect some weird noises.

Or if they find something good on video, its something that you can fake. I don't think people would watch the show if they didn't have some startling evidence conveniently collected.

I used to watch TAPS on ghost hunters, until they were doing one of their halloween specials and the back of one of their jackets was tugged and it was so obviously faked, you'd think they'd be more clever. Totally ruined the show for me.

But I would go on a ghost hunt. It looks fun, even if I don't expect anything except being spooked out.


Well-known member
Yes and No. Not really sure if I believe or not.

Back in the days when I was drinking. I would wake up in the middle of the night 3/4am and start talking to someone/something which wasn't really there. They would be sat and sometimes standing at the end of my bed. I would talk for about an hour or two but they would never speak back. And no one else saw what I was talking to. They all thought I was loosing my mind.

Sometimes even now being sober for 3years. I get a feeling that when I'm in the house all alone that someone/something is watching me all the time even though I know no one else is here.


Well-known member
Yes, a few times now, one person came to me and all other experiences are felt.

The first time was when I wasn't doing so well and was "hugged"
I could see his face but I couldn't see his face- made sense at the time.

Constant shivers from head to toe while thinking or talking about it "like now" tend to bring the felt experiences on.
Almost like opening or whatever myself up-connecting myself- hard to explain.
No bad experiences.
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Well-known member
No; when you're dead you're dead.
How can any life form thats no longer existant still be alive?
Its a nice thought, but its as real as the toothfairy and santaclause. I think adults just make this stuff up to comfort children.


Well-known member
this is an interesting question.
i love hearing about ghost stories, whether they're ficticious or claim to be fact. many people insist on ghosts being nonsense. but thousands of people in their right minds, even ones formerly declaring they don't believe in ghosts, have experienced the unexplainable. what are the chances of so many people throughout time continuously seeing ghosts or experiencing the paranormal as the result of just suggestion, hallucinations, or wild imaginations?

i have never seen a ghost or experienced anything supernatural. i am realistic and fairly logical. but i love the idea of ghosts and id like to think that they do exist. however, no one has proven them to exist, so i cannot say they are real. but, no one has proven them impossible to exist, and people keep having experiences that cannot be explained by logic and science, so i cant say they aren't real either.

i believe ghosts are possible to exist, but i also believe when people die that is the end and dont go on living. have u ever noticed that most ghosts are said to be of people who were murdered or appear when something tragic is happening? if they do exist, maybe it's just people who havent died peacefully or so they stay to accompish something. that might sound crazy haha but you never know. id like to experience something paranormal sometime and decide for myself if it's real or not.


Well-known member
this is an interesting question.
i love hearing about ghost stories, whether they're ficticious or claim to be fact. many people insist on ghosts being nonsense. but thousands of people in their right minds, even ones formerly declaring they don't believe in ghosts, have experienced the unexplainable. what are the chances of so many people throughout time continuously seeing ghosts or experiencing the paranormal as the result of just suggestion, hallucinations, or wild imaginations?

i have never seen a ghost or experienced anything supernatural. i am realistic and fairly logical. but i love the idea of ghosts and id like to think that they do exist. however, no one has proven them to exist, so i cannot say they are real. but, no one has proven them impossible to exist, and people keep having experiences that cannot be explained by logic and science, so i cant say they aren't real either.

i believe ghosts are possible to exist, but i also believe when people die that is the end and dont go on living. have u ever noticed that most ghosts are said to be of people who were murdered or appear when something tragic is happening? if they do exist, maybe it's just people who havent died peacefully or so they stay to accompish something. that might sound crazy haha but you never know. id like to experience something paranormal sometime and decide for myself if it's real or not.

Well, it's good to know that there are people out there who are willing to believe and keep an open mind :rolleyes:


Well-known member
i definitely believe in ghosts, demons, hauntings and whatnot.
ive had a few "experiences" i guess you could call them

one was when i was lying in bed one night staring at the ceiling while listening to music. i saw this strange whitish blue ball of light in the corner of my room near the ceiling. it shot across the room and was gone in an instant.

another time i was with my mom on a ride home from a shopping trip one night. i saw a man in a dark coat jogging along side the road. i thought it was strange that someone would be jogging at night in such dark clothing when it was winter, but whatever. but when we got close to the man, he disappeared and all that was left was a strange whisp of fog. and i wasnt just seeing things. my mom saw the exact same thing.

ive also used to hear mysterious whispering at night from my stepbrother's old bedroom next to mine