Different Attractions


Well-known member
I'm attracted to people who are smarter than me. Which isn't hard! I just mean to say that I like a smartypants.
Check the urban dictionary.

nack shhushh before u send u hate mail


Tall, thin, long hair. And I love artsy types, musicians, etc. Or even just someone who can appreciate these things. I'm sick of people who don't know how..


Well-known member
Some of the things I like: Dark hair, five o'clock shadow, neatly trimmed chest hair, athletic build but not too muscley, bad boys, guys that work with their hands. My bf fits this description perfectly, he's a carpenter too. The only guy that I find attractive that might seem weird to some people, is the actor Gary Oldman. He was Sirius Black in Harry Potter in case you don't know who he is. No matter what movie he's in, he gets me hot but he's the hottest in Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Some of the things I like: Dark hair, five o'clock shadow, neatly trimmed chest hair, athletic build but not too muscley, bad boys, guys that work with their hands. My bf fits this description perfectly, he's a carpenter too. The only guy that I find attractive that might seem weird to some people, is the actor Gary Oldman. He was Sirius Black in Harry Potter in case you don't know who he is. No matter what movie he's in, he gets me hot but he's the hottest in Bram Stoker's Dracula.

That funny, I thought Gary Oldman was hot in Bram Stokers too. OMG!!!!!! I had a crush on him for a while after that. He was very mesmorizing in that movie, i was completely sucked in lol..

Hmm I just noticed we have the same b-day. haha


Well-known member
It baffles me when people find certain traits attractive because personally I've come across random people with completely different looks that I find attractive, from punks to nerds to prim and proper to bad boy types, I mean sometimes you just see something in someone that draws them to you, and it depends a lot on personal chemistry as well. I can't say I like all guys with a certain trait cause everyone still look different. The same dark hair and blue eyes that I like in Katy Perry does nothing for me in Courtney Cox Arquette...

Someone I do like the looks of is Gary Oldman as Dracula... oh dear i'm weird.. sigh



Well-known member
Last but not least Brad Dourif!

"Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind?' Grima Wormtongue - Two Towers and Return of the King.... He looks so different with facial hair...

I think my favorite lady has to be Elisha Cuthbert... I have a thing for blondes!


Well-known member
Johnny Depp, and the characters he plays. Particularly Edward scissor-hands and Jack Sparrow.

Someone I do like the looks of is Gary Oldman as Dracula... oh dear i'm weird.. sigh.

I like your taste. The best-looking form of Dracula is definitely this one. Sooo classy.


Well-known member
Umm well i've always had a thing for men with blue eyes and black hair and pale skin.

I've never really fancied the pretty boy type like brad pitt.


Well-known member
im attracted to shy, reserved girls with pretty faces. body doesnt matter much as long as shes not aneroxic or obese.