Choosing Not to Drink.


Well-known member
I'm abnormally nervous when making threads on here, so I'm warning you that this one will suck. Majorly.

Anyway, I was just wondering if there is anyone on here that chooses not to drink alcohol? I turned 21 in February, and a lot of people were pressuring me to drink. I didn't want to. The subject was dropped for a while, but my drunken slut of an older sister asked us to come to her house last night and play games. Of course there was drinking. I felt like I was being pressured to just try a sip, and I didn't want to. When we first made the plans with my sister, I was debating on whether or not I just wanted to simply try it. Then once it was in front of me, I decided not to.

A lot of people I know make it seem like NOT drinking is a bad thing. I'm a loser and a pansy. I'm just a wuss. It's basically uncool to not get drunk and stupid. I've never even tried alcohol before. I've smelled it, but that's as far as it's ever gone. I've never tried smoking or getting high either. It isn't for religious reasons or anything of that sort, I just don't want to. That sh*t doesn't appeal to me whatsoever.

Wow, this is much longer than I was intending it to be. Anyway, I was just curious if anyone else out there has had to deal with this before. Have you ever been pressured to drink, whether you were legally allowed to or not? Do you choose not to drink and smoke and stuff? And if so, are you made fun of for it? This is just my opinion, but I've always found sober people to be admirable. I guess I'm wrong?


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Have you ever been pressured to drink, whether you were legally allowed to or not? Do you choose not to drink and smoke and stuff? And if so, are you made fun of for it? This is just my opinion, but I've always found sober people to be admirable. I guess I'm wrong?
No one ever needed to pressure me to drink or anything else starting out, though since I've mellowed hugely on that there have been a few occasions where people tried to pressure me a bit. I firmly and flatly said no, and probably gave a few cold looks as well.

Pressuring anyway to drink or anything else is crappy behavior. Period. I do it but I'm well aware of the very real negatives and respect anyone's decision not to.


Well-known member
Thanks. You're right. And I think it's good to respect other people's decisions. I don't care if others drink, it doesn't bother me one bit. I just don't want people to bug the crap out of me for not doing it, as if there's something wrong with remaining sober.
Wow, if I had to type out my views on drinking alcohol, it would be near identical to your post. I agree 10000000%.

I don't drink, I have never drank, nor to I plan to do so in the future. I have absolutely no problem with other people doing it, I just have a problem when they try to get me to as well. When I turned 19 (drinking age in Ontario), people seemed shocked that I didn't go and get completely drunk out of my mind, just because I was able to. That just is not something that has ever appealed to me.

Luckily, I have not encountered many people who have pressured me into drinking. They ask, I say no thanks, they give me a weird look and just disregard me. Whatever...
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Well-known member
I think it's incredibly rude for someone to pester someone else until they drink. I can understand if they ask once. But anymore then that is too much. If they were a vegetarian and you tried to pressure them to eat meat all night I think they would be a little put off. It's the same thing. A simple no should be enough but I'm guessing that most people who ask are probably half drunk anyway so they no take the hint.


Well-known member
Same here, I don't drink, smoke or do drugs, although I did try a few things out when I was younger and sometimes it could be quite enjoyable, but overall I've always found the cons outweigh the pro's. Firstly, drinking is pretty unhealthy, I always feel like I'm pouring petrol down my throat or something! Plus it costs loads of money when, if I'm thirsty, I'm perfectly happy to drink water that you can get free from the taps! Plus I don't like the taste of it, so would never drink it for that reason. Plus there's the principle of it, I don't want my happiness to be dependent on whether I drink or not. Then there's the social peer pressure of it, even if I was happy to drink, the fact that I feel society tends to pressure me to drink and make me feel inferior for not drinking, makes me NOT want to drink purely out of principle, cause I HATE being told what to do! And then lastly, there's the loss of control, I don't like the fact that my brain loses half of its functionality when drunk. I like thinking and I like my brain and I like to fully soak up and appreciate the situation, rather than to numb the pain and blindly tumble through the night with a false sense of happiness.

but hey, that's just me!

but yea, I used to feel a little awkward about my choice not to drink, but now I just come right out and say it upfront, and I try to laugh about it really. Like, it's kind of a running joke in my family now, every time we're out and there's alcohol around they'll try to slip me a drink or something or I'll tease them or surprise them by ordering a whisky, but it'll really be for my bro! :rolleyes: yea, hours of fun!


Well-known member
i agree with you 100% that is exactly how i feel about drinking. I have never drank(or done drugs) i just have no interest or don't see the point of drinking so much you can't remember what you have done and puking all over the place. In Ireland legal age to drink is 18 but really they start at age 15-16 binge drinking. Its the same here maybe worse because they start at an earlier age, If you are not drinking you are just seen a loser and its really hard to friends cause if you don't drink with them no one has anything to do with you.


Well-known member
I'm abnormally nervous when making threads on here, so I'm warning you that this one will suck. Majorly.

Anyway, I was just wondering if there is anyone on here that chooses not to drink alcohol? I turned 21 in February, and a lot of people were pressuring me to drink. I didn't want to. The subject was dropped for a while, but my drunken slut of an older sister asked us to come to her house last night and play games. Of course there was drinking. I felt like I was being pressured to just try a sip, and I didn't want to. When we first made the plans with my sister, I was debating on whether or not I just wanted to simply try it. Then once it was in front of me, I decided not to.

A lot of people I know make it seem like NOT drinking is a bad thing. I'm a loser and a pansy. I'm just a wuss. It's basically uncool to not get drunk and stupid. I've never even tried alcohol before. I've smelled it, but that's as far as it's ever gone. I've never tried smoking or getting high either. It isn't for religious reasons or anything of that sort, I just don't want to. That sh*t doesn't appeal to me whatsoever.

Wow, this is much longer than I was intending it to be. Anyway, I was just curious if anyone else out there has had to deal with this before. Have you ever been pressured to drink, whether you were legally allowed to or not? Do you choose not to drink and smoke and stuff? And if so, are you made fun of for it? This is just my opinion, but I've always found sober people to be admirable. I guess I'm wrong?

I decided to stop drinking about 4 or so years ago. I definitely got a lot of crap for it at first. Esp since I wasn't going to drink on my 21st birthday. "You aren't even going to have one drink?!" Was a very common question. "NO" I used to drink when I was in high school, I know what it's's not all that fun.

Most people now know that hubby and I don't drink, we don't party, etc. So no one asks us. But there will always be people who are offended when you tell them you don't drink when offered a beer or something and ask for a soda instead. It's are trying to be better than them, you look down on them, etc. Which, obviously, isn't the case...but that's what people think sometimes. And they get all weird.

Anyways, good luck to you :)


Well-known member
Thanks so much for all of your replies. I appreciate it greatly. I'm glad I'm not the only one here that prefers staying sober. Tons of people were surprised that I didn't get trashed on my 21st birthday. They were even more surprised by the fact that I've never tried alcohol in my life, and don't really plan to. If I ever want to try a sip or something just to say that I have, I'm sure that will be the extent of it. But as of right now, that doesn't even appeal to me.

Anyway, thanks again, everybody. Reading your posts was very refreshing!


Well-known member
i started drinking when i was 16 , started clubbin then as wel , but stopped nearly a year ago . just decided i wasnt goin 2 waste my money or mistreat my body like that . plus it really doesnt taste very good at all .....


Super Moderator
There's nothing wrong with choosing not to drink, in fact, I wish everyone would choose the same. I don't see what's so awesome about alcohol... it's just crap poisoning your mind and body. Don't listen to those people who try to pressure you. If you don't want to do it, then don't. Tell them to stfu, it's non of their business anyway.
I really despise alcohol. I'm straight-edge and I've never tried alcohol, but it has played a terrorizing role in my life. I don't even like to see it.


Well-known member
Hmm i didn't start drinking till i was around 19, in my clubbing days lol. But when my panic attacks happened i stopped drinking cos i read that drinking makes them worse and why would i wanna sit indoors drinking.


Well-known member
Are you sure you don't want to try just one tiny little sip? Mom has 5 bottles of wine sitting around, and no one here really drinks at all! Please, try some!

Seriously, though, I never cared for drinking just to get drunk. Of course I always try different drinks and have about 5 drinks a year. If that much. But when I drink something alcoholic I do so to enjoy it. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I just look on it like trying new types of food.

But my father was an alcoholic years ago, and for all I know his mother still is. So I've always figured I had a 1 in 3 chance of being the kid who inherited those genes. My brother is like me: willing to try something at least once. My twin sister is adamantly opposed to alcoholic drinks, so she just had an apple cider toast at her wedding. And that was just fine.

The bottom line is that if people are going to accept and respect you, that includes everything about you. If they can't do that, don't waste your time getting down on yourself.

And just so I don't leave anyone feeling out, do any vegetarians want to try a leftover piece of corned beef? It's really good....


Well-known member
My first time getting drunk was at a New Years Eve party when I was 13. I then drank occasionally until I was about 15 and I haven't been drunk since. I think I learned quickly that it wasn't for me. Not to mention the countless stupid situations I almost got myself into. I'm not against drinking though. That being said, drinking to the point that you're drunk and mindless is stupid. Plain and simple. But drinking for a buzz is okay. I now only drink 1-2 drinks and onlyyyyy around people I feel comfortable with (which is only a few people - all but one who happen to be in my family). In the beginning I did feel pressured to continue drinking, but it passed. The few friends that I have realized that it wasn't something I did anymore and stopped inviting me to parties and the like. I don't think they judge me for it though, I think they might look up to me for it, even! I really don't think I'll ever drink until I get drunk again.


I can tottally relate to this, I can't tell you how many times people have made me feel like a dumbass just because i didn't want to drink. People associate drinking with being "cool" when really they all act like idiots when they are drunk [i speak from experience]
I used to drink WAY to much, im talkin a handle everyday, and now i look back on it and realize im way happier being sober [which is saying lot]

So **** em', don't drink.

alcohol leads to horrible things in the end in my oppinion.
i understand not wanting to drink. but if you're not doing it out of hate (for other people) i think thats a stupid reason.
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unless youre hate for other people's drinking is legit.

i was thinking along the lines of, because its 'popular'. thats what 'popular' 'cool' kids do. aka thats what people i hate do. i'm not going to give into social pressure. yadda yadda

if you're not drinking it for those reasons, then you are giving into social pressure because you're still letting other people influence how you make your decision.