I hardly drink at all. Partly because I don't care to and partly because it's dangerous for me. I've only had alcohol a handful of times ever and never more than a drink or two. When I was a teenager I was never really around people drinking anyway. I had practically no social life and the friends I had didn't like to drink and party. It was no thrill once I turned 18 either. I've been to bars a few times. It's really not my thing. I don't like being around drunk people. I don't see what's so appealing about it. I have nothing against people drinking a little if it's just to have fun but after a point, it gets to be too much. I just don't see what's so fun about puking and doing stupid things and embarrassing yourself and not even remembering the fun you had. The once in a blue moon that I'll have a drink, it has to be something that tastes alright. I wouldn't just drink for the sake of a buzz. But the other thing is that I'm diabetic and so alcohol is bad idea. I have to be pretty careful with it. I get low blood sugar which means I have to eat something sugary and wait until I feel better. I usually just get kinda shaky and hungry but if left untreated I could potentially pass out and die. The thing with alcohol is that the liver can't release its backup sugar while it's trying to get rid of alcohol and so low blood sugar occurs faster. The trouble is, severe low blood sugar resembles drunkenness. Incoherence, slurring words, passing out, etc. So then everybody just sees a drunk person and ignores it when its actually an emergency. No thanks. I'll pass on the drama. I've been warned to be careful if I'm gonna drink and to have food with it and check my blood sugar often. Okay. But if I wanted to really drink I'd basically have to have somebody look after me and test my blood for me if I couldn't and make sure I had enough food before falling asleep. It's really not worth the hassle. I don't want to be babysat just so I can have a good time. Not that that's my idea of a good time anyway, but it spoils the so-called fun of drinking anyway. So there's really no point. I don't really bother trying to explain that to people though. I hate being at any sort of social gathering and someone says, "why aren't you drinking?" I'll just say "I usually don't," and they're still like, "why," totally puzzled. Who cares why? I have my reasons, just leave it be. I just hate that some people are so shocked that there are actually people in this world who don't drink. Sometimes I think if I were to suddenly have a drink it would just draw too much attention to me, simply because it isn't normal for me. I don't want people making a big deal, like, "woah, she's having a drink!" So I'm better off just saying no if I'm offered a drink. Also, I'd feel awkward drinking just cause I'm so dumb about it. I wouldn't know how to mix a drink. I wouldn't really know what to order at a bar either unless somebody gave me a suggestion. I've tried so few drinks and I'm not even sure what's in a lot of the drinks I've heard of, so I'd just feel stupid even trying to order a drink. I'm better off just sticking to iced tea or water if I'm thirsty.