Being so damn ugly is my first problem.


Well-known member
If you think you're "ugly", can you compare to this?

Be glad that you're not born like this. It truly is a horrible way to live, although most victims of this condition do not live past infanthood.

OMG! Why did you post that pic!? You didn't have to post that, ya know. I think we all got the point...


Staff member
If you think you're "ugly", can you compare to this?

Be glad that you're not born like this. It truly is a horrible way to live, although most victims of this condition do not live past infanthood.

not the first time I've pulled you up about posting sick images, make that the last time mate :mad:


Well-known member
What is it, Ashiene? I just saw something similar in a book now, the children were blown up by uranium dropped on Iraq in 1991. Awfull pictures.

That is Harlequin Ichthyosis, caused by overproduction of keratin, which causes skin to harden, resembling the diamond-like scales of a traditional Harlequin dress. Because of the hardening of the skin, cracks appear between them, dividing the skin into armor-like plates.

Within these cracks, infections occur as a result of exposure to the external environment. The eyes are swollen, resembling red jelly, due to infection and swelling of the cornea. The mouth is kept perpetually open, like a goldfish's, due to the hard skin, preventing it from closing. In infants, the skin peels off in thick, long strips, but for those few who survive to adulthood, the condition can be managed by constant moisturizing of the skin.


Well-known member
I don´t think it should be hidden. People should be stuck these disgusting things under their fine noses to wake up from their dreams. If everybody looks away, who is ever going to help all those powerless victims?

I definitely agree with you. Many of us live under a false sense of security. They get frightened by the slighest of dangers, kill themselves over the smallest of problems, that we as a species have changed a lot mentally.

Whatever happened to our survival instincts? Our ancestors hunted the great mammoths, survived as long as they could during the Ice Age, built massive cities, never for a moment were they not under threat from infection, disease, death, predators, war, climate changes, weather. Yet they still perservered and what we have become today we owe it to the determination and will of our forefathers.

But today, we live in an urbanised society, and I do not doubt that most of us have lost much of our survival instincts. Throw a city person into the jungle and he would not know how to survive. Remove him from his technology and gadgets, and he will be crippled, unable to function as a normal human being.

What have we, as a species, become? Have we, from a race of mighty kings and fearsome warriors, transformed, into complaining, whining, cowardly children who shy away from anything we consider pollutant to our minds, anything we consider even remotely dangerous?

Have we become so immersed into this protective bubble that the Government has created for us, that we do not know how to survive on our own?

Will we evolve into the Eloi, from HG Well's Time Machine, a future human species in a 'Utopian' society where disease has been cured, and perfection achieved, and yet, the people resemble little children, unable to fend for themselves, unable to care for themselves?


Well-known member
not the first time I've pulled you up about posting sick images, make that the last time mate :mad:

These are the facts of life. Many parents overprotect their children, and when these children grow up, they find themselves alone in a world too harsh for them, because all their life the media and their parents have told them that the world is a peaceful place, but when they see the real world with their own eyes, they simply cannot accept the truth. Many of these children commit suicide, unable to believe that the world could be such a cruel, unforgiving place.

What people should do is to look at these deformities and realise that much of what they have, they take for granted, and do not see the true horror that much less fortunate victims of terrible diseases face on a daily basis.

You might delete the pictures I post, you might protect your sensitive eyes from the horrors of the real world, but these same horrors will exist, no matter if you look at them or not.

There are people, ignorant and corrupted by the media, who thought these victims of certain deformities to be alien beings captured by the Government.

Why? Because as children, they have never been exposed to such images, and so ignorance builds upon ignorance, and they cannot accept that such terrible things are able to exist in this world. Their minds, weak, use the idea that deformed human beings are alien creatures as a mental crutch.


Well-known member
^ chunky is adorable, dammit. a girl needs a bit of this and that to add rythm to her walk. I'm a gilrl with a bottom and it's one thing I actually like about me.


Staff member
You might delete the pictures I post, you might protect your sensitive eyes from the horrors of the real world, but these same horrors will exist, no matter if you look at them or not.

Like I told you before on other posts where you posted pics, this forum is for users of all ages and adult content will get us closed down.

questioning moderator decisions on the open forum will get you banned, I contacted you via PM about this, keep the conversation there, anyone else is also welcome to argue the case via PM too


Well-known member
Well, it seems to me that Ashiene was making a completely different point to that made at the start of the thread, and your curbing of it, Remus was pretty much justified. The opening post is about traditional notions of beauty and how it feels to not be traditionally beautiful. We may, as the 'non-beautiful brigade' feel ugly, but that's just paranoia. Some might even say it's an adaptive paranoia, just one that we dwell on too much, that it becomes maladaptive.

Ashienne was talking about unusual and extremely disfiguring illnesses and the general public's lack of knowledge of them and the resulting shock to the images he showed. That's a different issue entirely. Presumably the answer to that is to widely show images of deformed people to the public. But as such illnesses are rare and/or localised, what would be the point?


Just wanted to give rep point to Ashiene but then I see he is banned. I can´t understand this :confused: Ah I see this is a looser forum, he doesn´t belong here...


Just wanted to give rep point to Ashiene but then I see he is banned. I can´t understand this :confused: Ah I see this is a looser forum, he doesn´t belong here...

Lea,dont you think people should have a choice what they are exposed to?Yes maybe sometimes its good we see some of the horrors in this world,but it should be there choice...this is a mental health forum.Some of those pictures are very disturbing and could affect people..we have kiddies on here.

Aishene wasnt banned for the pictures per say,he had repeated warnings...continued to argue with the mods.I can see what he was trying to do but he could of gone about it differently,eg he could of posted a link to the pictures and provided a warning.

No one doesnt belong here,but this is a mental health site...its not a political site if that makes sence.


Staff member
Just wanted to give rep point to Ashiene but then I see he is banned. I can´t understand this :confused: Ah I see this is a looser forum, he doesn´t belong here...

Like I explained to ash before many times, we cannot allow pictures to be displayed that will shut the site down, some seriously bad pics escaped the mods attention over on the picture forum of baby birth defects (now deleted), his banning is in response to constant warnings. This forum was in jeapody a while back when we did not intercept porn links fast enough (maybe that's the real reason we moved boards?)

If you want to respond and talk about this decision PM me or any other moderators.

any comments on this will be deleted after this, can we now return to the original topic please.


2. Material, including but not limited to
posts, mails, MM, PM, username, avatar,
that may offend shall not be tolerated, including but not limited to
- obscene
- hate literature
- excessive profanity
-images of an adult nature


All moderators decisions are final, argueing with them will get you into further trouble, this is for the benefit of all users.On the spot bans and warnings (leading to perm bans) will be issued where neccessary and these are final, also you will be given a reason if its a warning.Creating multiple accounts to continue to question the mods decision will only get that account banned.

If you have a problem with a moderator on the board, PM other moderators or the webmaster and they will look into your complaint, please provide a screenshot if there is abuse.
Last edited:


Well-known member
i love this board everyone is just as screwed up as me =). thankyou all for sharing your insecurities


Well-known member
^ Pugs are ugly. Chihuahuas are ugly. Yet the hottest people from around the world are fighting to cram them into their handbags. I don't believe the poster is ugly. I mean, the chick has natural curls, for crying out loud. But even if she is ugly, she could be exactly what some hot celebrity is looking for. I must respectfully disagree with you, Flakey. I beleive that inner beauty is key. I'm a pretty woman on the outside but inside I'm roadkill. I get a lot of offers for first dates but second dates are few and far between and quite frankly, I don't blame people.
I feel the same way, but I try to make the best of what I've got. For instance I joined a gym a few months ago and am planning to get bracers for my teeth, I'd really like a nose job but I got a quote of around 12k which is too much for me at the moment. If you really are that unhappy with your curly hair you can always get it straightened and there are bracers for teeth. No ones perfect we've all gotta make do with what we have


Well-known member
I feel the same way, but I try to make the best of what I've got. For instance I joined a gym a few months ago and am planning to get bracers for my teeth, I'd really like a nose job but I got a quote of around 12k which is too much for me at the moment. If you really are that unhappy with your curly hair you can always get it straightened and there are bracers for teeth. No ones perfect we've all gotta make do with what we have

Ditto about the gym. I figure even though I'm ugly, some girls might like me if I have a good body - lol.


Well-known member
Having bad teeth, and a weird looking face, and curly hairs damn sucks... knowing that I'm not a pretty person makes me feel hopeless. There is an incentive that can be derived from knowing that you can play the game, and that people will easily gravitate towards you, even though it does not neccisarily have to do with who you are inside... but being attractive, naturally makes you self concious in a way that you want to give others a certain impression, and you know that no matter how dorky you are, it will be construed as attractive, because people just think you are hot.

I feel that we live in a world that is a eugenics movement. We feel like crap because some of us are just ugly on the outside, and the pretty people want to stomp us out, the people with the nice teeth, the nice neat hairs, the proportional faces, they want to knock us down to the ground... we have no choice but to get with the program, we need to improve our selves physically. The whole point of this life is to improve the human race, as racist as it sounds, it seems to be true... and there is no way for me to smile and be comfortable in my own skin, if my smile is so damn ugly. I need braces, and I need a makeover.

All the things that you have described above are fixable. What could possibly be wrong with curls though? My guess is that you're not ugly as you think you are. Attractiveness is subjective. Someone else out there may find you beautiful. No one is ugly or attractive by solid fact.

It is essential that one learn to love, respect and accept oneself regardless of one's appearance. I know, I know. It's much easier said than done. It can be done albeit with a lot of effort and with time. The benefits will be long-term. The other option is to change your appearance. It will bring you a measure of happiness but will not benefit in the long run.

"Attractive" and "unattractive people" alike struggle with self-love and acceptance. Please don't fool yourself into thinking that attractive people always get treated well and fairly. You'd be surprised how unforgiving and judgemental people are to both attractive and unattractive people alike. Often times, attractive is synonymous with stupidity, lack of talent or character, snobbery, promiscuity, and being uncaring.

I personally do not wish to stomp out anyone whom I do not find attractive and neither do other attractive people I've met. Back in school, the popular girls used to pick on me because they were jealous. The only girl out of the group who was nice to me was the pretty girl. Not that I haven't met attractive people who were stupid, callous, selfish and shallow but for the most part, it was the prettiest girls who were the nicest and most accepting. Whether a person will be kind or not depends mostly on their character and not so much their looks. Unattractive doesn't make a person kind anymore than attractiveness.

I understand that many people feel pressured by societal standards and ideals of beauty, but in the end it is the indiviual who is pressuring themselves more than anyone else. So if you think that being more attractive will bring you that little bit of happiness then it will be worth it. But being attractive will bring you other problems altogether.

You always have a choice so do not fool yourself into thinking that you are powerless. Think about what it is that will bring you happiness and make it happen.

It has taken me years to accept myself. I still have my ups and downs. There are days where I remember what it was like to feel ugly and stupid. I have to remind myself that although a pleasant outward appearance is a plus, it is truly my inside that counts. I don't care how cliche that sounds. I still want to be the same person when I am old and my beauty has faded. The same only wiser. I wish you the best of luck!