New member
... where to start
first and foremost, a righteous thanks to the wonderful realm of the web, and the person(s) who created an outlet such as this.
I'm a forum member of other endeavors (fly fishing), and, as a non-lurker, hope I'm not breaking intro etiquette. My apologies if so.
I've never been diagnosed with any kind of disorder, am not depressed by any means, yet still a feel a massive void in my life, hence my presence here.
so...I've stumbled upon this site, and would love to find comfort with myself. Look forward to reading some of your writing, and hope to contribute in any way possible.
first and foremost, a righteous thanks to the wonderful realm of the web, and the person(s) who created an outlet such as this.
I'm a forum member of other endeavors (fly fishing), and, as a non-lurker, hope I'm not breaking intro etiquette. My apologies if so.
I've never been diagnosed with any kind of disorder, am not depressed by any means, yet still a feel a massive void in my life, hence my presence here.
so...I've stumbled upon this site, and would love to find comfort with myself. Look forward to reading some of your writing, and hope to contribute in any way possible.