A Place to Introduce Yourself


New member
... where to start

first and foremost, a righteous thanks to the wonderful realm of the web, and the person(s) who created an outlet such as this.

I'm a forum member of other endeavors (fly fishing), and, as a non-lurker, hope I'm not breaking intro etiquette. My apologies if so.

I've never been diagnosed with any kind of disorder, am not depressed by any means, yet still a feel a massive void in my life, hence my presence here.

so...I've stumbled upon this site, and would love to find comfort with myself. Look forward to reading some of your writing, and hope to contribute in any way possible.


Well-known member
Welcome. :)
BTW LookinForward: I had to do a presentation about The Scream of Munch. (De Schreeuw in Dutch.)


Hey, I'd just like to introduce myself! I'm Jake, I'm 23 and I'm from London town :rolleyes: But I definitely have SOME form of Social Anxiety... basically I suffer with self confidence when speaking to people/groups. I HATE public speaking really. End of!

But anyway, hey, it's nice to see you all on here!


Well-known member
I just started here a few days ago.
Thank you for starting this thread. I am absoulutely terrified of wide open spaces. I have had panic attacks for over a decade. And have a few issues with ocd and in the past have had a problem with violence. I love this site, and wish that I would have found it years ago. I have children and a home now and have put the worst of things behind me (lets hope) but I still have demons creep up when I least suspect them.
I have been through the ringer in life, and at times have pretty much lived in hell.
I tried many kinds of therapy, and drugs to varrying degrees of sucess. I tried religion but that is not something I recommend doing out of fear. I self medicated which I definatley can say DOES NOT WORK.
Mostly when all was said and done I had to retrain how my mind worked, but also how I was living my life.
But through it all I always felt completely alone. I wished there was someone I could talk to who understood. That is why I like this site so much. I know that I don't really know anyone on here.But at the same time I do know you better than alot of people in your actual lives. And you know me too.
So I just want anyone to know that I want to help. Anything I can do. I want to. I know I sound kind of sappy, but I have actually read posts on here and cried.
I also hope that maybe when I feel like the sky is falling on me maybe someone will be there for me too.


Well-known member
I also hope that maybe when I feel like the sky is falling on me maybe someone will be there for me too.

If the sky does ever dare to descend anywhere near you we will all be there like an army of Hercules to push it far away from you ... :) don't panic, be a survivor... :)
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Hi everyone. I joined this forum a couple months ago but haven't got up the nerve to post anything yet. Basically I'm terrified of talking to people even online. I don't have any close friends because I'm so quiet and am unable to open up. I guess I'm just hoping to meet people who understand what I'm going through.


New member
I just got on here today, I'm new to this site. But i discovered that I have social anxeity disorder but then i ignored it for awhile then i realized that i actually do have it and there is no running away from it. i'm anjie & im almost 18 years old. Any advice on this would be great. I want to be able to share the same stuff that you guys feel about this whole disorder because I feel like I can't talk to anyone about it really. My boyfriend is supporting me & stuff but he doesn't fully get it because he's not me.
I just got on here today, I'm new to this site. But i discovered that I have social anxeity disorder but then i ignored it for awhile then i realized that i actually do have it and there is no running away from it. i'm anjie & im almost 18 years old. Any advice on this would be great. I want to be able to share the same stuff that you guys feel about this whole disorder because I feel like I can't talk to anyone about it really. My boyfriend is supporting me & stuff but he doesn't fully get it because he's not me.

keep moving forward.


Active member
Hi everyone. I joined this forum a couple months ago but haven't got up the nerve to post anything yet. Basically I'm terrified of talking to people even online. I don't have any close friends because I'm so quiet and am unable to open up. I guess I'm just hoping to meet people who understand what I'm going through.

This describes me exactly. So many people on here talk about going to parties and such and so on with their friends, and I just think, I wish that were me!


Well-known member
hello everyone I'm Jason.

found this site by googling social phobia. been hesitant to join a network of social phobics, but i keep thinking about going to therapy for it so i figured this might be a good idea. well, a little bit about myself... i've had social phobia for as long as I can remember. i was a total recluse in school, a prisoner in my own head. dropped out of college because of the severe anxiety attacks. holding the most menial of jobs as a cashier that just barely pays the bills. haven't had a serious girlfriend in 8 years and i'm 30 now. hopefully i can learn how to help myself from this site and maybe help others.


Well-known member
Okay, I'm glad I don't really have to make myself a thread. lol. But anyways, hello! My nickname is 'Effy' (not really a fan of going around telling people my name for some reason) and I joined this forum because the theme basically fits my life. I am not officially diagnosed with any form of anxiety disorder, but I am an introvert with few friends, and I get really uncomfortable in social situations which most people just assume I'm shy or weird or something, but I actually get really anxious in public. I don't really need a diagnosis to tell me that. lol. But I am diagnosed with Depression, and possibly even Bipolar Disorder. My psychiatrist has put me on Lithium tablets to stabilise my moods, as I go through months of feeling really confident and wanting to have lots of sex and spend a lot of money, then I crash rock bottom into depression into suicidal thoughts and seeing life as a bleak place to be.

My generic interests include, but are not limited to: Hot guys (even if I can't get one), all sorts of music - no particular genre, reading, watching TV dramas like Waterloo Road and playing videogames.

To put it basically.. if you're cool with me, I'm cool with you. ;)
Sup guys.


I have been reading the posts on this website for about a week now, and finally got the courage to register. It has made me feel better about my condition by just reading everybody else's experiences, and knowing that I am not alone. I have been dealing with depression and SA for most of my life, and had come to terms with it. That has all seemed to change since I turned 30 a couple of weeks ago. I didn't think it would really matter, turning 30, but everything has gotten much worse. It is becoming harder and harder to even leave the house. I am having difficulty concentrating on the things that once defined me and gave my life meaning. My worst fear is that it will continue to get worse as I get older. I feel ashamed even talking about it, but I feel like if anybody can understand it would be you guys.::eek::


So, I've been visiting and reading the stuff on this site for a while now, but just managed to finally make myself register. Been shy for as long as I can remember, but it started getting worse and I started getting depression at the time I started college a couple of years ago.