A Place to Introduce Yourself

I have been reading the posts on this website for about a week now, and finally got the courage to register. It has made me feel better about my condition by just reading everybody else's experiences, and knowing that I am not alone. I have been dealing with depression and SA for most of my life, and had come to terms with it. That has all seemed to change since I turned 30 a couple of weeks ago. I didn't think it would really matter, turning 30, but everything has gotten much worse. It is becoming harder and harder to even leave the house. I am having difficulty concentrating on the things that once defined me and gave my life meaning. My worst fear is that it will continue to get worse as I get older. I feel ashamed even talking about it, but I feel like if anybody can understand it would be you guys.::eek::

We understand lots. Still, there is much to be understood.

No need for shame.

Concentration, lack attention. Voiced statements, comprehension minimal. Substance required to assist in these unfortunate situations. No shame in admitting this is partly who I am.



Well-known member
I joined this site yesterday :)
My name's Sarah I'm sixteen and I was diagnosed with SA a few months ago... thought I know I've had it since I was around eight years old. I'm really happy that this website exists because for once I feel like I'm not the only one who feels this way ^^
I look forward to getting to know you all xD


Hello. I found this website a just this month. Although I've never sought professional help, I'm sure I have some sort of social disorder. I'm unsociable. I've been quiet my whole life, which was okay at first--just shy. But lately, I've been trying to justify why I don't talk to people generally, and completely ignore certain people. My relationship with coworkers is strained because of my unsociable habits. It's good to know there are others struggling and may have answers.


I just have signed up SPW and want to say hello to everyone!
My name is Marko, and very soon I'll be 25.
My shyness started long time ago, when I was a child, but then it was ok - everybody is a bit different. Through adolescent years it started making me problems with communication in the school and in the army. Now, on college, I've discovered new thing: fear of being watched and evaluated by others. It drives me crazy somethimes, especially when someone try to make a joke with me, i cannot bear others laugh...and last year I often started to avoid social situations. Still, I never had panic attacks, and also never sought professional help. Hope I'll find some good CBT treatment around.

I think this is enough for start. See you somewhere on forum!

P.S. Sorry for bad grammar
I just have signed up SPW and want to say hello to everyone!
My name is Marko, and very soon I'll be 25.
My shyness started long time ago, when I was a child, but then it was ok - everybody is a bit different. Through adolescent years it started making me problems with communication in the school and in the army. Now, on college, I've discovered new thing: fear of being watched and evaluated by others. It drives me crazy somethimes, especially when someone try to make a joke with me, i cannot bear others laugh...and last year I often started to avoid social situations. Still, I never had panic attacks, and also never sought professional help. Hope I'll find some good CBT treatment around.

I think this is enough for start. See you somewhere on forum!

P.S. Sorry for bad grammar

Marko, welcome. Soon to be 25. You'll soon be where I exist currently.

No need to apologize for bad grammar. I read your post just fine.
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New member
Hey, all i'm 13 years old in the 8th grade I go to a bad school I'm not that good at sports so they make fun of me even though they laugh about it inside it really hurts me i'm not shy but I really dont like talking to people so people either call me quiet or lame because I dont hangout with "The crowd" I mostly skateboard with my friend but hes always questioning why do I hang with him he saids I can be popular but he doesnt understand that I dont like to hang with the kids at my school all they worry about is music, sports, getting boyfriends and girlfriends and such.. They only talk to me is when they want me to give them money for lunch or candy so I really get used alot I try to be a happy cheerful person but inside I really feel sad and empty.


Well-known member
I'm new in this forum, and this is my first message, even though I've visited some other forums on the topic. I think I've been shy ever since I can remember, and I don't know when exactly social phobia began, not to say that I may have had it all my life::(: I'm studying, but my relationship with the other classmates is quite difficult because of my SP. I only have two good friends, no boyfriend and hardly any chance to meet anyone::(: (That really looks like a big drama but I try to get through it)

Pleased to meet you


Well-known member
hi,,new here .just wanted to say hello and i look forward to checking out the site.i'm almost total recluse(but not in a bad way hehehe)..i just love my life this way now,,i go outside and take walkabouts on my property ,but VERY seldom leave here(only 4 times this yr when i had to) and do not enjoy company coming here,i'm sort of like the bardot type of recluse...I Od'd on humans and went and lived with the animals and nature..i guess many have said i turned feral,though i see nothing wrong with it..it is what it is i say,and many have chosen that same way.i take no medications for it,because i see no need to..i believe if a person finds comfort in a way of life and it harms no one it is all good..well there you have it.hope to join in a few discussions here and there,:)


Well-known member
Hopefully, I haven't already introduced myself, but

I am a 28 year old male living in Wellington, New Zealand. I have suffered from SA since I was about 10.

I struggle with people, although I do try. I was very shy and introverted when I was a kid and I got bullied a lot. I also suffer from quite severe anxiety and depression and have to work out and run like mad to control it.

I would like to have more friends, however because of my condition and disposition, it does make it very hard. However, I am no longer ashamed of my condition and have accepted it and I am looking forward to getting better and meeting new people on this site if I can :).

Feel free to add me as a friend. I will accept anyone.


Hopefully, I haven't already introduced myself, but

I am a 28 year old male living in Wellington, New Zealand. I have suffered from SA since I was about 10.

I struggle with people, although I do try. I was very shy and introverted when I was a kid and I got bullied a lot. I also suffer from quite severe anxiety and depression and have to work out and run like mad to control it.

I would like to have more friends, however because of my condition and disposition, it does make it very hard. However, I am no longer ashamed of my condition and have accepted it and I am looking forward to getting better and meeting new people on this site if I can :).

Feel free to add me as a friend. I will accept anyone.



Hello, Chris. Cheers. Right, no ashamed feelings. Just have to struggle where others do not. Keep it real, keep forward.


Well-known member
Hi; I am very much a Newbie. I have not ever joined a Site even similar to this. I am not, however; a Newbie when it comes to Social Phobia. I have had it all my life. I have now hit the 50 mark and have found that I have gotten worse rather than better with age.
I hate any form of Socializing and parties etc are a nightmare. My neice is getting married in June and I'm already stressing as it is something that I am not going to be able to get out of.
So; intro wise ~ I'm Male ~ 50 ~ married; (surprisingly, but not happily) and I have a daughter who will be 9 at the start of February. I hate crowds in general; not just socializing. When somewhere is really busy, I really just want to get out of there.
I'm hoping to make some sort of connections here, as we should all pretty much understand each other.

Hi; I am very much a Newbie. I have not ever joined a Site even similar to this. I am not, however; a Newbie when it comes to Social Phobia. I have had it all my life. I have now hit the 50 mark and have found that I have gotten worse rather than better with age.
I hate any form of Socializing and parties etc are a nightmare. My neice is getting married in June and I'm already stressing as it is something that I am not going to be able to get out of.
So; intro wise ~ I'm Male ~ 50 ~ married; (surprisingly, but not happily) and I have a daughter who will be 9 at the start of February. I hate crowds in general; not just socializing. When somewhere is really busy, I really just want to get out of there.
I'm hoping to make some sort of connections here, as we should all pretty much understand each other.


Howdy Stranded :) Welcome!


New member
I have been looking over this place for awhile and I realized that I do need help of some sort.

I have been a shy guy ever since pre-school and I still am a shy guy (yet I was popular only in elementary school. Right now I am in High school FYI.) In 8th grade I was able to get over my shyness, but now I face new and old problems.

I have recently found out that I am shy but only to... different people (people who are older, people who know everyone but me etc.) but I can talk to any person in my grade. I have a faithful group of crazy friends who attract attention... attention I don't want at all.

and to top it all off, I have a staring problem of some sort and I would like to find a solution of this, so I have come here to finish my argument...

if I don't stay long after I have found the answers or comments I am looking for... my apologies



Active member
Hi Everyone:)
Its my first post.....had social phobia in my teens mainly when I was in school, felt so isolated and alone. But slowly started working through it when I went off to university and have been doing great for the last couple of years. But some of its starting to creep back now because of current circumstances I'm in so I've decided to join this site. Its great to have a community of people who understand and give support!
Nice to meet you all:)