re-introductions acceptable here?
I first posted in this thread 5+ years ago at the age of
22 (!), but then apparently went inactive for a while. My last post was in 2006, but actually I never stopped lurking for good. I would show up here at least a few times a year hoping to glean something vaguely inspirational, though for the most part, I just got really cynical. I went through some dark emotional stuff around the time I stopped posting. Bad issues with anxiety attacks and "dark" thinking that took hold of me worst than SA. I'm still working that out to this day, but I'm also focusing on my SA now unlike at the time.
I can't believe how long ago 22 was! I wish I could say my current situation is a complete overhaul, but then, I'd also like to think I'm not the only person who doesn't recover from SA overnight. I can report that my treatment is much more involved now. Unlike say, two years ago, when I had no direction and nothing going on besides monthly psychologist visits (for meds), I'm back on board with some therapeutic groups, improved meds and a new case manager. She is actually helping me get an apartment, and if things play out as planned, I could be out as soon as April. This would be my first time in my life living away from my mother and I am very excited. Extremely nervous, but excited. I have been told repeatedly that escaping my unsupportive household is an important step toward change, and I believe it. Anyone else in a similar place may want to consider it too.
I still have a lot of work to do in the area of social growth. I've taken some baby steps with things that are normally struggles, such as walking to stores (alone), making phone calls, even riding the city bus. Strangely, I even make more conversation with my mother than I used to. Again not exactly an "overhaul", but I suppose if you hang in there long enough, some change might be bound to happen. For me, simply moving could be the most happiness I've seen in almost decades, and I look highly forward to it.
Sorry for the long post, especially being MIA for so long. I just felt tempted to check in, from a somewhat different perspective.