A Place to Introduce Yourself

That's interesting if slightly disturbing. I was the same when I had a caesarian section, I thought the stitches were going to burst open and make a terrible mess. There was a little hole did appear at one end and..... no don't get me going on medical stuff, I could go on about it all day....
Still, it's a good job they can do these things nowdays or we'd be in up s**t creek good and proper.

- im a guy

- i developed social phobia in 7th grade

- i'll be a sophmore when school starts

- i hate highschool with a burning passion

- im afraid to make friends because they always end up using me or making fun of me in front of others

- im really smart

- my older brother always makes fun of me

- i don't like to be alone... but i don't like being around a lot of people because i don't trust anyone

- i like spanish

yeahh, thats all i can think of
Hello! I just landed on this forum and I must say it looks great! I'm a 21 year old guy from Italy studying architecture but having trouble going on because of classes that are based on social interaction (group projects).. it sucks because I'm very close to the end and have very good marks too, but it just feels like it's against my nature to work all day being forced to collaborate with other people :( I also love electronic music, making music is definitively my strongest interest :) I have SA and depression that got worse in the last 2-3 years, and I'm really trying to find a way to sort things out in life. In any case I'm very happy to have found this forum and knowing that there are people feeling and behaving very much like me :)


Well-known member
Hey everyone. I'm a 27 year old guy from southern california. I've had social phobia my whole life, people kept saying, oh he'll grow out of it I used to be the same way,well it hasn't gone away. I droped out of high school becuase it, I used to ditch school just so I could be alone at home. I live with my folks still. I'm unemployed at the moment because the anxiety just to much for me. I have big dreams and goals but don't have the motivation to pursue them. I've only had two jobs, as a sign holder/spinner and as a dishwasher. I haven't had a guy friend since I was 13 years old. Last year was the greatest year of my life I got my first real job, I got my first best friend, I got my first kiss, I lost my virginity, got my first girlfriend and she told me she loved me. All the same person by the way. So far this is the worst year of my life, I lost my girlfriend/best friend, she hates me now, she moved half away across the country and I had to quit my job. But I'm very hopeful though I just to have to get off my but and get help.
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New member
Hey all,

I actually stumbled upon this group upon the four-hour frenzy I went into after finding out a girl I like is single.

The weird thing about me though is how contradictory SA is for me, maybe you guys can help?:confused:

With me, I LOVE the stage/performance, public speaking too. I love to project my voice. The more people in front of me, the merrier, when I act or sing on stage-I'm in a whole new world like my childhood imagination all over again, and love it. And when it comes to speaking to a crowd, it feels great knowing I've got them hooked on every word. Nothing's better than the applause afterwards-it makes my blood warm with joy.

But back out in the "norm"-I'm quiet, shy me. My heart races at the thought of even being able to meet someone new, and even when these people are GREAT people to know, whom share my interests and everything and could be a great advantage to my life-my shyness has me clam up.

Have I missed, or am still missing some great opportunities in life because of it? Yes. This is ridiculous, how can I enjoy Public Speaking so much yet not be able to approach at least one stranger (especially of the opposite sex)?!

And so here I am, the tragic clown-registered.:D At age 20 I've decided I REALLY want to change the course of my social life-especially when it's going to cost me job, and just-overall fun opportunities in my adult future!

Hope I'm welcome, I'm real nervous/shy/sensitive about online communities. ::eek::


Well-known member
Hi everyone!

Found this board yesterday after googling for some problems too. :)

Altac, you sound a bit like me, except well, I'm a girl and (quite) a bit older. (So I can give wise advice, ha ha..)
I read many really good actors are both introverted and extroverted, can connect with people and own emotions&thoughts, so they can get the best of both worlds - like all big gifts, sometimes it can be stressful too, at least until you learn to 'regulate' it, somehow...
Acting can be really good for shy people as it can bring them/us out of the shell.. Hm, maybe there's a thread about this already? :) Or we could start it?
It's a great way to meet new people, possibly friends... I even considered studying drama therapy at a time.. It can just be a lot of fun! (Hm, maybe need to do it again? :))

I was your typical angsty teenager but really had fun at the Uni.. (found people shyer than me who thought I was extroverted! lol) I'm still shy around guys I like or when it comes to getting things I really want or getting $$$$ for what I do or making decisions... Love languages, learning, writing, arts, music, songwriting, eco projects.. Still trying to figure it all out and make it all work together..
I'm new here too and I haven't introduced myself either. It's only because I feel soooo akward posting anything. I just feel like I might sound stupid. ::(: I found this sight out of nowhere when i was searching SA.I just think it might make me feel better to be able to talk to people who will actually understand my problems. Hello to everyone else who is new here too. :D Hopefully this comment isn't too.... stupid.. ::(:


New member
hi everyone,
I'm a 15 yr old guy from NSW, Australia.
it's great to have found this site. after reading up on SA and finding this forum im really starting to think that i must have SAD(social anxiety disorder). i get extremely anxious whenever i have to go to a social event, or anywhere really. to tell you the truth i'm actually quite anxious about posting this message.
i'm constantly worrying about what people think of me, and never say anything when in a group for fear that i will embarrass myself. if i say something to someone, afterwards i'll worry for hours or sometimes even days that it sounded stupid or arrogant or my voice sounded to high or too low etc. i've pretty much been like this my whole life, and i never really knew why. i thought everyone felt anxious around other people, and i don't know any different. i despise school. for me, the word school is synonymous with hell. im in year 9 atm and i have no idea how im going to get through another 3 years of it. to sum it all up, my life is going nowhere, i have 0 true friends, i'm depressed and just completely pissed off with life in general.
anyway, sorry about the depressing post and its great to have found other people who feel like this too. i thought i was the only one.
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New member
Heh, hey. I'm sixteen from England with SA. Although it's not diagnosed, I'm nearly 100% sure that I have it. This forum is a serious lifesaver for me. It really does show that you're not alone C: Thank you google <3



My name is lola, I'm in my early twenties. My social phobia really started to take hold of me when I was eleven, and it has been my constant companion ever since.

I remember when I was eleven I went from the girl with the best french accent in french class to being too scared to speak. I used to do school plays and even directed one when I was 9. Today, at 23, I couldn't even stand up at a conference of twenty people and say my name.

I'm a great believer that a social phobia stops your personality coming out, rather than it actually being a part of your personality. It's a brick wall which I struggle to break through.

I'm going to be doing my Masters in September in order to kick-start what I hope will be a great career in which I am constantly challenged and achieving. But how can I do this? A career now adays involves so much presentation and group work, being a team leader. I can't even say my name.

Urban Acheiver

New member
I was diagnosed with Tourette's and ADD when i was 8 years old, about 5 years later i had social anxiety and depression. I live in a bad neighborhood wich worsens my anxiety, some drug use/abuse here and there. I used to be a grade A+ student but that fell apart quickly.

I passed my first year of high school wich was pretty cool cause we were the 1st freshman's there, but when i started my 2nd year I was absent at least once a week & cutting class every day. Finally i "dropped out" when i stopped going after Christmas break.

I went to a psychiatric hospital for depression & anxiety, it was okay buy they only gave me antidepressants and anti-psychotics no benzos at all. I feel like a man who was wrongfully imprisoned just waiting to be released after years upon years, I've been struggling with anxiety for 7 years now but i know its time to finally break free.


Hi all

Just thought i'd introduce myself as been posting on a few posts but not introduced myself yet.

I'm Sarah. I've been extremely shy since i was very young. i got bullied in secondary school which didn't help at all. i get soo scared of meeting new people, i shake,stammer and am very weary about them and what they think about me.. I stammer and look very stupid and am conscious of this. i also find it hard talking on the phone especially to strangers.

I can relate to a lot of posts on here that i've read. and look forward to chatting to like minded people on here.

also i know i need to go to the doctors as i know there's like a problem but i don't dare too. I've also been getting really down lately and had a panick attack a week ago although there's been a few problems in my life that brought that on. i don't like the doctors and feel like i can't tell them anything.




New member
Hi everyone,

I just found this forum and thought I'd introduce myself. My name's Emma, I study physics at University. I found this website by accident whilst procrastinating, and found that the description of social phobia more or less exactly describes the way I've started acting around social situations in the past few years.

My boyfriend's been telling me I probably have depression, and suggested I see a psychiatrist (which turned out to be useless, as I felt too scared and awkward to tell her how I was feeling about things!). I'm really glad to have found somewhere to talk to people about how I feel. :) Nice to meet you all!



Well-known member
Hi All, I'm new here, first post.
Firstly I wanted u to know that this site is not just a comfort , I think it is literally saving lives... u all should be so proud of what u are accomplishing here... I'm a 36 year old guy and I've been suffering from the SAD hell for about 20 years. Up until I stumbled across this site a few days ago I was one of those ones that always thought I was the only one in the world, that I was some freak accident in the manufacturing plant that somehow got past quality control. What spurned me to start searching the net for answers was my latest failure to the SAD effect; I separated from my wife a month ago, a woman I love and cherish more than the air I breathe... I've struggled with the inner torment of this disorder for a very long time and watched it from inside my head destroying my life but I've always persevered... until this time... I thought this time it was the breaking point, it was time to consider the unthinkable... the only way to stop the cycle of pain... Then I found u guys and just knowing I'm not alone in my pain is so comforting somehow, but especially finding out that what I have has a name and that it can be overcome is like a hand reaching into the murky depths to save me...

I wanted to thank u all for being who u are and for sharing the burden, I might not have made it if not for the words u all have poured onto these pages....