Hey all,
I actually stumbled upon this group upon the four-hour frenzy I went into after finding out a girl I like is single.
The weird thing about me though is how contradictory SA is for me, maybe you guys can help?
With me, I LOVE the stage/performance, public speaking too. I love to project my voice. The more people in front of me, the merrier, when I act or sing on stage-I'm in a whole new world like my childhood imagination all over again, and love it. And when it comes to speaking to a crowd, it feels great knowing I've got them hooked on every word. Nothing's better than the applause afterwards-it makes my blood warm with joy.
But back out in the "norm"-I'm quiet, shy me. My heart races at the thought of even being able to meet someone new, and even when these people are GREAT people to know, whom share my interests and everything and could be a great advantage to my life-my shyness has me clam up.
Have I missed, or am still missing some great opportunities in life because of it? Yes. This is ridiculous, how can I enjoy Public Speaking so much yet not be able to approach at least one stranger (especially of the opposite sex)?!
And so here I am, the tragic clown-registered.

At age 20 I've decided I REALLY want to change the course of my social life-especially when it's going to cost me job, and just-overall fun opportunities in my adult future!
Hope I'm welcome, I'm real nervous/shy/sensitive about online communities. :
