Search results

  1. black_mamba

    Flying Lessons Anyone?

    Has anyone ever had a flying lesson and would you recommend it? Is it worth getting past the anxiety of being in a confined space with a stranger? I remember someone on here saying something about lessons... I just spoke to my mum and she was planning on getting me an hours worth of a flying...
  2. black_mamba

    Astronauts, Anxiety and Arrghhh!

    Not sure where this topic should go strictly speaking... Theres a programme that just finished on UK tv where the producers lied to some idiots to convince them that they were going up into space (but really they were just hustled into a big simulator *teehee*). Naturally, they had to be...
  3. black_mamba

    Do you Enjoy Complaining?

    Today I was handed a comment form for my university. Since I'm in my final year and been at this uni for almost 4 years now, I had a lot of complaints to unload. The thing is, after having no one listen, no one take notice and generally no one give a crap about our [the entire class's] opinions...
  4. black_mamba

    My first presentation in over 10 years!

    Just under 2 hours ago I completed my first presentation since I was a 12 year old - and I'm still blushing!! [Ok, white lie - I did one last year about making bottle rockets but that was in front of 30 kids, and I'm not shy around children at all]. So today I spoke to 8 classmates and a...
  5. black_mamba

    College / Uni / School

    How is the new term/semester going for everyone? I want all the details, the gossip, the good the bad and the fugly! Today was the last day of my first week as a final year student. Already I've had my fair share of forced social situations. The worst being today when I realised my...
  6. black_mamba

    International Infantile Championships

    We are gathered here today in the social phobia world stadium to watch, and maybe even take part in, the... Annual International Infantile Champshionships (the AIICs) crowd woops and cheers The heats compromise of various childish activites such as: burping, snot throwing, farting, cartoon...
  7. black_mamba

    The Beach Bar

    So here we are online, hiding behind these fancy monitors or TFT screens, popping our pills trying to escape reality. So why not go the whole hog and have a drink or dance in cyber-land too? (Look, I'm just trying to get as far away from my city lifestyle as possible ok, no laughing). :wink...
  8. black_mamba

    Online / Offline Personas

    Hey everyone, Does your online personality differ from your offline one? A resounding yes methinks. In which case, how do they differ and why? I think its fascinating how the internet can bring out the best and worst in people. It can provide that much needed anonymity to help shy people speak...
  9. black_mamba

    The Most un-SP Person in the World

    Lets talk about people we know/have met who are the total opposite of us. ------- I met a man today who had no fears about pReTeNding to be lost in order to speak to me. 'Wheres the train station?' 'Take the left at the roundabout and follow it around. 5minutes max.' 'Oh erm, I think I'll...
  10. black_mamba

    Helping People in Danger

    This is something that happened to me a few weeks ago, I am very embarrassed about it and ashamed of myself but I figured that if I want to improve my confidence I should try dealing with it: So black mamba is sitting in a quiet secluded church garden in the middle of town, minding her own...
  11. black_mamba

    Mental Self Harm = An Open Mind?

    This is basically a theory that has been rolling aorund in my head (theres a bit of space in there it seems). **Please Do Not Try This At Home** Defense Mechanism Name: Maximum damage input Method: Imagine the situation that could turn into a potentially nail-biting one. Then expand on it in...
  12. black_mamba

    Give me an Oscar!

    I've been massively depressed and lonely over the past few days. My best friend/partner went off for a 3week holiday so I'm home alone. I made a list of things I needed to do and almost collapsed because my heart started pounding so fast looking at it. Anyway! This afternoon I've been sending...
  13. black_mamba

    ~Can You Switch Your Brain Off?~

    This is my first 'here is my symptom, do you have it too?' thread. Last night I lost 3 hours of sleep because I simply could not switch my brain off. Admittedly it could be down to nerves about today's driving theory exam but I did not spend 3 hours pondering over traffic signs believe me...
  14. black_mamba

    Driving Test Day Nerves - muummy!!

    Hey guys. I want to ask whether I should waste my time and anxiety on making an extra special trip to my oh so impersonal doctor's practice for something; The problem I have is with anxiety that has built up around a specific event. Most of the time I put unbelievable pressure on myself to...
  15. black_mamba

    Member's Caricatures: Scottish Player !!

    Typical SP ol' me eh, can't be bothered to go use a public scanner so takes a digi photo of her painting instead. (drawing based on this --> Scottish Player) ...I enjoyed drawing it. It's not quite finished, needs a bit of tidying up. Any suggestions for improvement please let me...
  16. black_mamba

    ---- Makes You Happy to be Alive?

    Having just spent the last half hour dancing around my flat to loud music I thought it would be fun to make a list of the various things we encounter that, for once, make us happy to be alive. Maybe your list is short and full of random stuff which only you find exhilirating but what the heck...
  17. black_mamba

    My Monosyllabic Sis - need help! =(

    I'm not used to asking for advice but this is serious, so here goes. Today I discovered that my clone (aka my 15 year old sister) has been bullied recently. After bunking her lessons for many many months she has come to the decision to leave school a year before a bunch of prominent exams...
  18. black_mamba

    SA on TV [dream]

    I had a wonderful dream a few nights ago - someone had created a documentary about social phobia and I was watching some scenes of a young girl talking very candidly to her counsellor. This comes a few days after seeing a programme on UK tv about a remote village where most of the residents had...
  19. black_mamba

    Interview tips *eeeek*

    So, I live next to this theme park you see. I'm a massive theme park addict, so every year I apply to work there. I've had two interviews with them already. No luck. Some of their workers keep dropping out and they start phoning me asking if I'd like to be re-interviewed to fill the gaps...
  20. black_mamba

    The Dressing Up Thread

    Like a lot of people, I find great comfort in wearing a costume either to hide behind, or to give me a set way of behaving in any circumstance. My question is; if you could dress up as any person (fictional or non) object or animal what would it be and why? Post pictures to make it fun. :)...