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  • hey there phoenix, I hope the feeling passes as soon as possible. we all have our down moments and it can be kind of difficult to express them. just letting you know we're all here for you if you need support.
    Just in case you didn't see my reply about the GABA Calm: I got it online from its retailer (Source Naturals) on My mom heard about it while watching American Idol when one of the top contestants, who has Tourettes, was talking about how he wanted to take something natural to calm his nerves and found GABA Calm. My mom and I are all into that natural/organic stuff so it really got our attention and it really works! I felt so calm the first time I took it and now I'm actually able to be in large open areas where there are a lot of people without feeling overwhelmingly anxious.

    It's good stuff! You really should give it a try :)
    X-Men First Class: Totally awesome. Easily the best one of the series so far in my opinion. I highly recommend seeing it.
    oo thankya, you are always so kind :)
    I'm not sure really. Anxiety hasn't really been affecting my sleep too much recently. I've always been a light sleeper and it's very hard for me to drift off so that's kinda normal to me. But I just can't find the motivation to get out of bed any more and I end up oversleeping and missing school and it's really worrying me :(
    Hang in there! It always passes. Do you want to talk through private messages so we can talk about it properly? :)
    Hey there, yaaa it has been a while :p I'm pretty chill today! Although I woke up very late again :( My sleeping problems are causing me havoc at the moment! And I guess just generally my lack of motivation.
    How are things for you? :)
    not really , i have another idea.... u could ask to sarah (not to ur parents , she did the fault so she has to pay it lol ^^ ) a present for each day of delay ^^ btw i'm how to say...i feel a bit down an lonely but well...hope it can be day....^^ take care phoenix cya soon and remember to make sarah pay back all ur bday presents :D
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