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  • Nice :] Yeah your songwriting skills are very good. I'd like to hear how you sound on guitar, as would other people on this forum, lol.
    i play music like, oasis, the Beatles, ac/dc, arctic monkeys :)
    I mainly write my own stuff on guitar and lyrics though :)
    Yeah I'll try not to think about it too much... Anyway, I see you're a songwriter and guitarist. Very cool :) What kind of music do you like, and play??
    ahh i get what you mean same for me at college, my presentation went awful, but no1 cared :) i'm sure you'll do fine. Try not to think about it :)
    Glad to hear you are fine :) I've just been having my fair share of stress at school. I have so many projects to do, one which includes speaking in front of a class, which I'm already nervous about. And I've been dealing with being teased, yet again. But I'm trying not to let it get to me too much.
    Hi Pheonixx

    just wanted to let you know that if you ever need to chat about something you can pm me :) im jess by the way
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