Sorry for not getting back to you for a while! I've had a busy weekend and I've been feeling pretty low as well so it's been tough heh.
Yeah I hate "blah"

. It is horrible - not feeling anything is hell. In my experience it doesn't last too long though...
Oo what job is it you do? I used to work in a supermarket but I had to quit ;O Study comes first I guess..
Sounds like you had a good weekend! How was the festival? and what festival is it for?
My weekend was okay. I had a party Friday night which I spent moping around feeling sorry for myself. But I found a friend who sat with me all night and made me feel comfortable so that was okay

And Sunday night was wrestlemania with my mates and I had a load of fun and drank a bit too much heh. (Yes I know, I should have grown out of wrestling by now XD)