It's not much, I'm already used to this. That's how it has been in the past 5 semesters. Yesterday I started studying 30 minutes a day, at the the end of the week I'll increase another 30 minutes. Then by the end of the next week I'll increase another 30 minutes and so on, until I reach 3 hours a day (which should be in a month).
The studying isn't bothering me much, what's making me feel down is everything else: no mental strength to talk to a girl and lack of things to do during the afternoon. I don't want to spend my afternoons listening to music, watching TV and browsing forums on the internet, I want to do something else. I just don't know what.
The studying isn't bothering me much, what's making me feel down is everything else: no mental strength to talk to a girl and lack of things to do during the afternoon. I don't want to spend my afternoons listening to music, watching TV and browsing forums on the internet, I want to do something else. I just don't know what.