Well, I thought about my post after you had commented on mine and decided that maybe the racing thoughts you are having may be different than mine. It helped me because, I realized how many thoughts I think throughout the day and how they can control my emotional state and my actions. It helped me to realize that I can detach myself from my thoughts simply by observing them from a non-judgemental place and enjoy the only thing that really exists in this world which is this moment. I realized that having tons of thoughts isnt a problem in itself but judging them and letting them control my life is. It helped me to become conscious. By that I mean after reading it I realized there is the thinker which is a non-stop BS and there is the awareness that I am thinking. OR, there is the thinker in my head which had been and sometimes continues to run my life, and there is the observer of the thinker which is accessed through the present moment and when accessed brings peace and joy