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  • That really sucks. Especially having your dad yell at your tomorrow. Feels like being a child.
    Vodka gummy bears? Really?! I want some! lol
    It's ok. I've been sending a couple more requests in hopes of having some conversations and forming some more online friendships. Thanks for accepting my request.
    well this is very, very kind of you to help like this, Lamb. You don't know how much I appreciate it. But I don't want you (or anyone else) to think you HAVE to help - but any kind of help is greatly appreciated. Usually I pump out the work, get it done with no problem what so ever...this time around, I am just like, WTF...what's wrong here, lol - ya know? Simply put: thank you :)
    I thought about it. The spiritual element of the book turned me off. Although, I should read it. I want to read a book on the Pharmacology of anti-Depressants. That would satisfy the nerd in me.
    I've been good thanks, much better than I was earlier. Judging from your posts you seem like a very sweet person. :)
    Oh I like to go outdoors too but, they’re a lot of people around here so I don’t go out often. What kind of music do you listen to? I’ve been listening to a lot of movie soundtracks by Patrick Doyle. I’ve also been trying to get into photography too!
    Well, I thought about my post after you had commented on mine and decided that maybe the racing thoughts you are having may be different than mine. It helped me because, I realized how many thoughts I think throughout the day and how they can control my emotional state and my actions. It helped me to realize that I can detach myself from my thoughts simply by observing them from a non-judgemental place and enjoy the only thing that really exists in this world which is this moment. I realized that having tons of thoughts isnt a problem in itself but judging them and letting them control my life is. It helped me to become conscious. By that I mean after reading it I realized there is the thinker which is a non-stop BS and there is the awareness that I am thinking. OR, there is the thinker in my head which had been and sometimes continues to run my life, and there is the observer of the thinker which is accessed through the present moment and when accessed brings peace and joy
    Sorry, I wasn't around. I was at the gym swimming and drooling over this very cute girl. Turns out she has a boyfriend. Not that it would matter anyway. :(
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