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  • hey, what is that site you mentioned to a few people about tracking your diet? I want to give it to someone with an ED. Do you think this will help them, in regard of nutrition?
    Hey! Long time no talk. I turn a little immature over this thread (I wouldn't want a motherly figure to see this, haha)- http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/1-less-sufferer-32878/#post426967

    Hopefully it will answer some of your questions. And about the books... librarian couldn't find them.

    I talked to my teachers, the usual 'Meh//Whatever' response (as expected). They probably don't remember it now. That was the hardest part, to inform them. Rest is up to me to fix it. Thanks again.
    Well.. feel free to vent. Nah.. we'd like to hear your problems. It's not as if I've to save the world from evil aliens or something everyday right? Hmm.. I don't see your journal though
    Hey there. Don't see you in chat anymore... Sorry to hear that. Hope it works out for you. I'm doing ok.
    an odd night actually, one that i wouldnt have thought of EVER. so on my bday i caught the train to meet a friend (from highschool) on her hour break. (this isnt the friend who was suppose to come over my house initally) she sent me a msg saying to come over to her place on friday night.. with much hesitation i agreed. we had alot to drink and watched cartoons all night till the morning .. best bday ever! :D

    tell me something interesting about you feathers
    feaaattthhhers thank you for the wishings! =) i emailed a few highschool friends to meet up on the weekend.. scared ****less. one of my friends texted me saying she saw the comment.. noone seems to be confirming .. so she'll devote a night at my house solely for me. can't complain
    Hello Feathers,

    Oh i see. U don't miss your computer?:) What u are doing these days being not online? Well things aren't so well-ish but i try it..i hope u are alright!!And feel nice. Is very nice weather now. I was few times for walk. But i really don't enjoy it much. Today i was home and not going out maybe tomorrow i will try is damnn hard even with treatment.
    U do?:) Why my goody this so nice place full of lovely people? Haha. Then i will try imagine everyone admire me but i doubt will work on wreck full of nerves as i'm. Is good idea. I love childs but i'm nerves too by childs. U are uplifting sweetheart thank u for all of it what u done for me!
    Well, thank u for support. I know hang it hang it...is hard my nerves are on edge and tomorrow yet "celebration" which i discover will be not in some restaurant only but in shopping center where will be people walking around all the time,like open restaurant if u know what i mean, i will be nerves as hell and tensed:(
    Woah, I haven't been on here for a while. Thank you for you Christmas, new year and valentine wishes! :) Cheered me up, Nice knowing I wasn't forgotten :) hope you enjoyed Christmas/new years/valentines day! Lol, Nah I have been watching the cricket world cup, contemplating study but never doing so, as a result stressed out with alot on my mind! lol Hope you are okay :)!
    Hey Feathers! Thanks for your sweet and uplifting message ;) In the end it went fine. But it's so hard for me to enjoy these things. After all these years of anxiety i can't see the fun of it anymore. So its very hard to stay motivated, but i hope (and still have a little faith) that this will come back when i keep pushing myself :) How have you been lately? I have to admit that i haven't been reading allot of your posts. I hope you can forgive me my ignorance, but my job and CBT is keeping me pretty bussy ::eek::
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