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  • Oops lol, you sent me ''ANTIvalentines day:p'' now i see you wrote anti :p haha.
    Ya don't like valentines day huh ? , lol sorry for the question about love cards hehe
    did you have a nice anti valentines day, did you celebrate it with the people on spw?:p
    I wasn't hanging around on spw on 14th of february.

    hey, take care
    Hi Feathers,
    Sorry I didn't reply earlier, Happy belated Valentines day =p
    How was yours? did you have any love cards? :p
    So.. how have you been?

    Have a nice day !

    I'll hold you to that. All days are good. :D

    I used the wrong thing. Bah humbug is for Christmas. I kind of just spelled it out and didn't feel like backspacing. I am like that sometimes.
    You're welcome. You have such kind, healing energy. I truly believe just your presence by her side will bring her comfort even if she cannot express it. It will be known on a deeper level. ~hugs~
    Hi everyone! If you didn't get a note from me yesterday (and you think you should! :)), it's because of bad RL stuff.
    I had secret plans to cheer-bomb everyone (okay, maybe not everyone!) with antiValentine's and such, and for fun & games at the party etc. but then boards sorta collapsed and something bad happened iRL, and I just couldn't. - didn't want to spoil the party for the rest of ya. Hope you still had fun! (I think some of you did haha!)
    I was feeling terrible, but then my Granny was the party girl (and sometimes partied more than I did) - she'd wanted ya to have FUN! I'm sure.. Luv to all, Feathers (A bit shaken)
    Grrah. Bah humbug! Err, oh, wrong day.

    Ha, thanks. I've got nothing against Saint Valentine's day.

    May you, as well, have interesting days. Days filled with reachable opportunities and challenges that will only further your progress to the ultimate ability of self positivity.
    Feathers u are funny. U make me smile with calling 14.2. antivalentine day. Jaj i too dont get it why with this so big deal, but i like it only for one reason sweeets but sweets u can also get on antivalentine day right:) Is only other B U S S I N E S how to make money what else. People should show love any day not cuz calendar say it. LOL

    I wish u too the best wishes as u did too me> Health, happyness, love of people wich u loves u and u love them, and ofcourse a lot of eco healthness in your live.
    Just meant I would still consider it non-anti though I don't have a significant other. I try to get good things out of holidays. I've decided my birthday can be my own holiday so I take off from work. (Have to remember to put in for personal time. :p )
    Hehe thank you. It is still Valentine's for me though I suppose. Love for family and friends is good too.
    haha and the same to you feathers! :) albeit a month late :p and thanks for the pic comment lol
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