Thank you everyone for your kind words of support and encouragement.
Granny is rockin' in the clouds with god & angels (I hope!)

Or at least getting there?
It was what she wished most anyway. She died peacefully in her sleep a few hours before we came. We were too late to say hello in the morning but in time to say goodbye. She was as if she was sleeping. Coz was quite shaken too. It was good that sis&I were with mum and her, &the other relatives. Sometimes numbers &silly errands afterwards does bring comfort. Take care & luv your grannies as long as you still have'em!! Take time to visit and call.. cause soon you may not have a granny at all... :

: Say NO to sleeping pills!! (and staying inside &too many cookies, she had osteopenia/osteoporosis, which increase likelihood of hip fractures, google it, you don't want it..) I think that is her message for us all... to live a healthier, more active life.. Blessings to you all..

Luv, Feathers