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  • Hi! You know im not bad. Im working 4 days a week now since november which is difficult, but at least im surrounded by people that i think is good for me. Also last week i started CBT and my therapist is great. I still visit the site once or twice a day, but somehow i dont feel like long posting lately. Instead i read, incl your journal ofc ;) How are you doing lately, are you feeling ok?
    Oh, birthday, I read?! Happy birthday, Sabrina. I hope that by this time next year your life will have got a whole lot better in the way you want it to and you will have achieved at least some of your beautiful dreams :)
    Ooh, happy birthday!! :) Wishing you happy healthy wonderful wonderfullness of magic moments and great eco adventures! :) And of course tons of money and living in peace and prosperity, living from the core..
    lol You hadn't seen that before? I made it after we talked about you couch surfing everyone on SPW. I hope you don't mind :D
    No idea, but I am here.

    things are good, escape.... I am glad to feel this way now....

    How about you, darlin? How are you, you pretty little thing? :D lol
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! :)

    Wishing you lots of wonderful eco adventures and brave smart decisions and new/old friends!! And lots of general wonderfulness!! :)

    Aww, thank you for the sweet words!! You know well I think you're totally AWESOME and inspiring too!!
    I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that I never saw - and quite possibly never will see - anything that resembles anything on that video in real life ::(:
    Yeah, it is a bit taunting. But definitely would be a worth while experience! I am considering it and another program called Hero Holiday. The latter costs quite a bit more, and is on the other side of the world! Oh, and just for two weeks. Katimavik, being 6 months and all, would be quite a bit of a longer haul, ha. Both seem to generally fit what I think I've been needing though.
    Hiiii! I think I've gathered that you live somewhere in BC as well, and I was wondering if you'd ever heard of the Katimavik program?
    Hi there. I was reading your journal, and I found it really interesting that your experiences with the raw food diet were the exact same as my own. :)
    Aww!! :) Now you're almost making me cry/blush... :) I may not always know what to say, but I try to cheer people up and make'em feel better... :)
    Hey, do you have time to brainstorm about eco things? Can I write you a PM?
    I always appreciate your advice too!! You're one of the wisest people here!!
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