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  • What a huge coincidence to see each other there. Yeah I am not 100% either. Most days its like 50-75%. Although some days I am 100%. But I find 100% is really hard. I only started in August this year. Got tons to learn still. I really enjoy doing my shopping now and going to health stores. It helps my SA out.
    I was making an account that I didn't intend on using more than once so for my name I picked two random cool letters that I thought sounded cool together, v and j. The username vj was taken, and the first alternate was vj288, picked it. I ended up using the site a lot after that, the name grew on me, and here we are today.
    Yeah - that's him - he and his girlfriend got eaten by bears. At least they were together in the end.
    Oh, I definitely agree. Either long straight, or just semi long with curls or something. With short hair on guys I usually find that it emphasizes the length of the face/head.

    I still like it on girl too, though. But yeah, I know what you mean. It is drastically over used. Which is a shame really, as there are lots of hairstyles that are equally nice. It would be nice if the variety was bigger, so that it wouldn't be so one sided. The beauty kind of disappears in the quantity of it.
    Why, thank you very much. That's quite the compliment, gosh. x3

    Wish there were more people in this direct area that appreciated long hair. Most are just negative about it. :c So yeah, thanks! :3
    Oh yeah, that was another guy - I remember now - the plane didn't come back to pick him up.
    lol I think you're too smart for psychiatrists!! (A friend of mine was actually *told* that!! &sent home with a certificate of normality, which she proudly presents even years later!!)
    Sorry to hear you didn't get to go on the hike, I agree it's great to apply already!! My only option here (besides cousin) are pensioners, a bit embarassed of that.. Though a girl younger than me went with them a couple of times in the past..
    Had fun hiking (until coz started asking me about an ex and future plans lol.. I revenged with telling him all the horrible eco things, got him thinking, lol! He was kinda eco before but never thinking about materials.. He could afford stuff, so he bought it.. I maybe opened his eyes a bit..)
    He also went into a mad search mode for mushrooms and chestnuts lol.. (mostly non-existant) &my knee hurt a bit (got injured a bit on a previous hike) it was still fun, lots of sun.. overall, a good day... :) Hoping you find a way to go hiking too!!
    Paintings paint the painter. Though I'm a beginner, I'm glad you found something interesting in that painting :)
    recently I've been reading a translation of the Tao Te Ching by Jonathan Star - really awesome, check it out - my other favorite is by Brian Browne Walker. From what i know of you - i think these would both speak to you.
    Fine, thank you :). I just want to say that it's a shame to see a person such as yourself going through such a thing. Yeah yeah, I'm into flattery so here it goes: you're beautiful, intelligent, good-natured, passionate, and willing. Someone like you shouldn't be in such a position, but as we know, the world is unfair and I'm sorry that you do feel that way, I know personally how hard life can be. "Gotta make the best of it" as they say, I guess.

    Glad to see you're doing better, keep up the good work :)
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