lol I think you're too smart for psychiatrists!! (A friend of mine was actually *told* that!! &sent home with a certificate of normality, which she proudly presents even years later!!)
Sorry to hear you didn't get to go on the hike, I agree it's great to apply already!! My only option here (besides cousin) are pensioners, a bit embarassed of that.. Though a girl younger than me went with them a couple of times in the past..
Had fun hiking (until coz started asking me about an ex and future plans lol.. I revenged with telling him all the horrible eco things, got him thinking, lol! He was kinda eco before but never thinking about materials.. He could afford stuff, so he bought it.. I maybe opened his eyes a bit..)
He also went into a mad search mode for mushrooms and chestnuts lol.. (mostly non-existant) &my knee hurt a bit (got injured a bit on a previous hike) it was still fun, lots of sun.. overall, a good day...

Hoping you find a way to go hiking too!!