Cheer! Yer embarassin' me... Stop it!
Nice tae know I add flavour n' enjoyment to the forum. Got tae standout somehow, don't ye?
It'll like ya can hear me talk, innit? Which is weird, because ah didnae know you lot could read that quickly. Scottish folk talk funny, don't they? (3 words per second)
Ah used tae think ah'd get laughed at me fur writin' in ma regional Scots dialect - now ah cannae stop masel'. But youse aw seem tae get what am sayin' contextually - unless yer American. They huv'nae a clue what am sayin' half the time. But then neither dae ah... It's like showin' a dog a card trick, innit? Only kiddin', nae offense intended there - just a wee jokey joke! :bigsmile: But then, women on here find ma writin' in Scots dialect charming for some reason?

No' that am complainin'.

F**k me! That's the longest ah've gone without swearin'. Ah just ramble on, don't ah? Ha-ha! Bye for now, Blue :greeting: