Hello from ThatCreepyGirl


New member
Hi everyone!

After long google searches of anxiety/depression I came across this site and figure I join. I'm so tired of feeling alone, feeling like no one understands me and my struggles. I don't expect this to be a cure all, but I'm just hoping for someone to hear my voice. Give support or just understand. I'm tired of the quite and racing thoughts in my head.

A little bit about myself....my name is Robyn and I am 23 years old. For the longest time I have suffered with anxiety, depression and bipolar problems. All my life these issues has made me feel like an outcast, even in my own family. I think like most of the people here I just want to be "normal". Normal people struggle, but I don't think they struggle as much as I do or have to fight to push myself to live another day. Today I woke up crying...but I think my actually getting on here is a start to something....I hope.

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this :)


Well-known member
Hi! Welcome to the forum:) and its always better to be different than to go along with the herd.. I hope you find support and understanding, here. It has definitely helped me:)


Well-known member
Nice having you here, Robyn! I'm sure we'll all look forward to hearing more from and about you. When I first came here it was so nice to be able to vent and have people actually Understand (in varying degrees) what I was saying or feeling. Get it all out, girl! And hopefully we can help. :)


Well-known member
Hey Robyn welcome to the forum, im sure you are not creepy at all but i understand that feeling as i feel im creepy too, well i feel my socially anxious thoughts make me feel / act creepy & it sucks! anyways... welcome :)