How are you feeling?


Well-known member
The same as usual, sad and depressed, but this time I'm having negative thoughts. I feel like a fruit loop. I have negative thoughts and I don't care if they go away right now, just give me a blanket, so I can watch old movies and moan about dumb things. Being a hermit sucks. Anyways life moves on..........


Well-known member
The same as usual, sad and depressed, but this time I'm having negative thoughts. I feel like a fruit loop. I have negative thoughts and I don't care if they go away right now, just give me a blanket, so I can watch old movies and moan about dumb things. Being a hermit sucks. Anyways life moves on..........
Yeah I know the feeling all too well. It sucks. Sorry you have to feel like that. Life's a drag but I hope you feel better soon. Don't suppose one of these would help would it?


Anyway I'm off to bed.


The same as usual, sad and depressed, but this time I'm having negative thoughts. I feel like a fruit loop. I have negative thoughts and I don't care if they go away right now, just give me a blanket, so I can watch old movies and moan about dumb things. Being a hermit sucks. Anyways life moves on..........

*feels Beleza*
That's funny... you dont feel like a fruit loop....more fleshy and kinda warm....


Well-known member
Yeah I know the feeling all too well. It sucks. Sorry you have to feel like that. Life's a drag but I hope you feel better soon. Don't suppose one of these would help would it?


Anyway I'm off to bed.

*feels Beleza*
That's funny... you dont feel like a fruit loop....more fleshy and kinda warm....


Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate it. Your teddy did make me feel a lil better, thanks. kia, lol, .......


Glad that you that you feel better Graybeard.


Well-known member
confused. i've become convinced my now-ex is a narcissist. but the more i think about it... am i also a narcissist? after all, i've been in a relationship where i pulled heartless, narcissistic stunts. and i withdraw at the drop of my fragile ego. this isn't something i'm proud to admit. but... is it so?

does every relationship have an imbalance where one person loves the other more? is there such thing as a balance where people love each other equally?


Well-known member
confused. i've become convinced my now-ex is a narcissist. but the more i think about it... am i also a narcissist? after all, i've been in a relationship where i pulled heartless, narcissistic stunts. and i withdraw at the drop of my fragile ego. this isn't something i'm proud to admit. but... is it so?

does every relationship have an imbalance where one person loves the other more? is there such thing as a balance where people love each other equally?

I don't think youre a narcissist but then that would mean I would be one as well. I think people just make mistakes & learn from them hopefully. but your last question made me think of this quote from one of my favorite books...

"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person." and I do think thats often true sadly.


does every relationship have an imbalance where one person loves the other more? is there such thing as a balance where people love each other equally?

I am not sure. The more cynical side of me says no - one loves more than the other. But then again I have never really experienced a relationship where someone is really "in" to me (perhaps mildly interested is about as close as I get). I would like to think that it is possible for two people to love each other just as much - equally. I think - that that would be a rather nice feeling.

Anyway - sorry to hear you are feeling that way and that your relationship didnt work out. I hope you manage to heal.


Well-known member
The same as usual, sad and depressed, but this time I'm having negative thoughts. I feel like a fruit loop. I have negative thoughts and I don't care if they go away right now, just give me a blanket, so I can watch old movies and moan about dumb things. Being a hermit sucks. Anyways life moves on..........
Awwww - sorry that you're feeling sad and fruit loopy! ::(: Hope it passes soon. A cozy blanket, old movies, and having a good cranky fest sounds good in the meantime!


Well-known member
I feel so terrible.

It was only a few weeks ago that I had felt the best I had in a while, I could even say the best I have felt ever. I really had a serious go at myself and basically kicked my own ass into being happy and it worked. Or so I thought.

It was only a matter of time before my rubber band syndrome reared its seriously bitchass gip. It seems like I can only make so much progress before I begin to get tugged and eventually snapped right back to where I started from.

I could fill a lake with the amount of tears ive shed over the past couple of days,I just cant f**king stand how it felt like I was making some actual headway for once.

Im trying as hard as I can to keep the SA demons from getting their grasp on me but I dont need to tell most of this forums members how exhausting of a fight it is.

As mentally and physically exhausted I am I haven't given up yet. My sister is coming home in a few days and I'l probably talk to her about some stuff. In such a paradoxical way as much as I feel utter resentment and jealousy towards my sister she is the only one I can really talk to about stuff,stuff trying to talk to my parents about is like taking a rail road spike to the jugular.
One of the biggest thing is finally getting off of my lazy,SA ridden ass and getting a job.

Not having a job is one of the biggest reasons why ive been feeling so down the entire summer. I just think that without a job it emphasizes even more the life that I DONT have. Waking up at 6 in the f**king afternoon,eating dinner at 3 in the morning,not leaving the house for almost 20 f**king days.I just feel like the most worthless piece of sh*t while everybody else my age is either working full time or going off to university. But anyway my sister is such a driven girl so she is all about the tough love, shes probably going to shove the resumes into my hand and throw me into the store while peering through the window, holding my playstation hostage if I dont go up and ask for a job.

A job would truly be beneficial. I mean social skills are like a muscle, they need to be exercised if they are to actually work. I have absolutely no life,I stay in the house for almost half a month at a time so obviously I have no way to practice my social skills. If I get a job il certainly be able to do that and maybe il actually meet some people,possibly make new friends. But of course making friends is a jog while im still learning how to walk. I still need to take it one step at a time.

But anyway I need to just not give up. At least at this point im aware that I DO have the motivation to try and change. If I fail I fail, but at least it shows that I tried to move forward and eventually I WILL move forward. You can only miss the net so many times before you finally score.

Its as if since graduating high school ive been upgraded to the Premier League. Ive lost the first few opening matches but im like Manchester City, Old "Typical" City,Just because ive been mediocre doesnt mean il never be able to shine:).<I just thought of that on the spot and im already smiling ear to ear:) ahhh sports analogies youve saved my bacon again:p:)
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Well-known member
does every relationship have an imbalance where one person loves the other more? is there such thing as a balance where people love each other equally?
Interesting question. I think having a couple where the love is perfectly balanced is rare, because of simply having two different personalities together, both with their own levels of needs and wants from the other person. I would say no, but I would love to be corrected.

long post
Mate, I'm sorry you're in a bad way, but as I was reading through your post, I could tell you were getting more determined as the paragraphs went on. You know you can do these things, and you're aware that they're within your grasp, so that's really good.

I have also made progress with my mental state, only to snap back to square 1 and feel like I've done nothing. That will continue to happen, I believe. It's like a huge game of Chutes And Ladders sometimes.

Don't give up, my friend.