Your User Name (dont put yourself down)

My name is from the Pink Floyd song, Lucifer Sam.

It's about Syd Barett's cat I think. Or someone's cat.

I kind of want a new one, but people know me under this one so I'm stuck with it now.

For a while I was annoyed that people were calling me "luci", which sounds like a chick's name, but I don't care anymore.


Well-known member
hhhhhhhhhm I see the point of this. EscapeArtist isn't exactly highlighting anything that I am proud of, so I see it as a slightly more negative name. I would change my name if I could, but then I'd have to restart everything :O! So for now... I can be a contradiction.
Great point ;)

My username is just Flowergirlie, so no negativity here
I just don't want to remind myself all the time of the negativity
So I just remind myself of flowers haha
I think it's better to take a little positive step
every little step counts for a better positive spirit

But its just the choice u made, I'm not saying people have to do that.

But I keep my name, this way :D


Well-known member
I only thought about changing my user name a week ago.

Looks like my story will evenually be reconized by someone from my daily life and find out all about me... damn!

You sure you can't change it,,, Mr or Mrs Moderator?

Yes We Can

Well-known member
Mine was borrowed from the Obama campaign. I wanted a name that represented hope, inspiration, and possibilities, basically something positive. I figured as long as we have these, there's always a reason to wake up. My original user name was Q.G. but I asked to have it changed.


Well-known member
A cognate issue is the ghastly avatars some people use. They are clearly saying something negative about themselves.


This is so true, I agree that a better User Name could make a positive impact, however small. Damn, I really wish there was a way to change mine ::(:


Well-known member
As negative as my name may sound.

Even though I am a wobbly Jelly, I am still standing, and will stand up no matter what.

Jelly is a great dessert that shines as the last food of many meals :D


Well-known member
I always choose a totally neutral name (which is made-up, of course). No emotions, no positivity/negativity ... nothing. Anything to just keep unnoticed. ;)


Well-known member
I do agree with this, I also would suggest not to use your actual name as a username, the reason? this website is very strong in terms of results on google, so anything anybody posts as a thread is likely to show up high in google results because this site is so old and has strength.

so just say "john smith" posts a thread about "being shy" then anyone who types "being shy blah blah" is likely to have many visits through google search results.


Well-known member
And I would suggest to think about the opposite, since using your real name (not necessarily all of your names, just one of them plus maybe an initial) is a nice simple exercise in being yourself, speaking up for yourself, being comfortable with who you are, staying behind everything you do and say, and is basically an ellegant introduction to responsibility and interaction. At the beginning you may feel a bit uncomfortable, but it will fade away with time as the ring of fears and doubt begin to loosen up.

My username on this site is simply my personal name.
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Well-known member
Mine is based off Stephen King's protagonist from the dark tower series.

Roland the gunslinger. That's pretty cool dude, but I don't remember him being called that. When I read your username, I think of Lee Harvey Oswald. The Lone gunman who shot Kennedy.
I don't think it really matters what you call yourself or what you put up as your avatar. I certainly don't think it is anybody's place to tell you what you should and shouldn't do, other than outright breaking of rules. My avatar is me when I was younger, before I had panic attacks. It also is the Picture of me that seems to capture my personality better than most. My user name, just tells you who I am and what my problem is. I also like my username because it implies trauma that I have overcome.