Would you date someone way older/younger than you?


Well-known member
It doesn't happen that often, my friend got in a relationship with an older woman when he was 18/19, I can't remember how old, and he jumped ship because she was getting broody. He was just in it for the sex. I don't think boys generally enter these things with a relationship in mind. I'm still waiting for my cougar.

rowr...how old did you say you were?

kidding:D promise! lol

and another thing, why do men get called cradle robbers while women get to be called cougars?? it's so much cooler than cradle robber!


Well-known member
We are not in the old days. There is a reason why times have changed. This is not thinking outside the box. This is a dangerous line of thought that could get you in trouble and you need to recognise society deems this inappropriate,.immoral, illegal, unnatural all for very good reasons. Furthermore for somebody so forward thinking, what youre saying is completely backwards. ...And that is a delicate way of expressing what I really think....I have bitten my lip. Basically you need to realise that you are not presenting the view of the unheard unrepresented millions of mature teens. You are dangerously close to presenting the view of a predator.....Just some advice on how it reads.

Yes, of course... the slippery slope argument.

For the most part, I agree with you all of you, most teens can't even handle homework, let alone serious emotional attachment. But so can't adults too. My point is you're letting your emotional bias cloud what is a relatively benign idea - that maybe not every single teen girl in existence is an immature airhead. Is that so hard to conceive? We've had child prodigies in every field, children can no doubt progress pass adults from time to time, but it's all individual, it isn't en masse. It's case by case, every specific instance, you examine the evidence. Let's say that the common conventional wisdom is that all short people are thieves (absurd example, I didn't want to pull the race card twice though). Now in a court case, the jury wouldn't even stop to consider that maybe this particular short person stole whatever he's on trial for.

Do you all get that, does it now make sense to you?
soooo...no one has any opinion on whether or not older women dating younger men have it easier than older men dating younger women?

I have no problem with age gaps so long as both parties over 18. I think older woman young boy is less common than the opposite scenario. Both are acts of inexcusable paedophilia. I hav a 3 yr old god son in 9 years hell be twelve and I cant imagine how awful and frightening it must be for a parent. Within my limited capacity of godmother I would completely annihilate destroy and go to any lengths to prote t him from any adult woman who tried anything....Ugh it makes me sick physically I cant think straight. Why would anyone do that?!! What kind of sick twisted logic is it?! Its so evil. I cant comprehend. The madness. I totally agree I would want her destroyed.


It makes you uncomfortable, right? It makes you sick, it disturbs you. Think about back in the day (and even in countries in the Middle East), if a man and a woman were to associate without being married, it was a severely punishable crime. Most recent than that, interracial couples were unthinkable and made people uncomfortable and disturbed and sick. Even more recent, homosexual couples make people uncomfortable and disturbed and sick.

I'm a little behind on the debate here, but all those examples you mentioned are between consenting adults. Sexual orientation and the color of your skin have nothing in common with age difference.
I would agree that age is just a number and shouldn't matter (amongst adults, that is), but I do have to say that of the few men that have actually shown interest in me, two of them were much older- we're talking twice my age (I'm 32 now), so mid 50's, nearer 60, and I just wasn't attracted to them in that way. Maybe it was the individuals themselves, but I just couldn't contemplate being more than friends with them. I think I already replied many pages ago in this thread, but I think 10-15 years older would be my limit, and 5-7 years younger (because much younger than that probably wouldn't be mature enough for me).


Once again Nate has got me wound up with these pics. I need to do something manly now. Like wrestle a bear holding a shark....


Well-known member
It's good to know that I can always get another man sexually excited.

Wait, what? :confused:



Well-known member
soooo...no one has any opinion on whether or not older women dating younger men have it easier than older men dating younger women?

They don't have it easier, it's the opposite. Older women get so much sh!t for dating younger men, everyone says how it's "inappropriate and disgusting" and that they are cougars desperately trying to latch onto whats left of their youth, while older men who have been doing this for decades get applauded for it.


Well-known member
They don't have it easier, it's the opposite. Older women get so much sh!t for dating younger men, everyone says how it's "inappropriate" and that they are cougars desperately trying to latch onto whats left of their youth, while older men who have been doing this for decades get applauded for it.

very good point Vamp. thank you for the input! i completely overlooked the stereotype about cougars.
Yes, of course... the slippery slope argument.

For the most part, I agree with you all of you, most teens can't even handle homework, let alone serious emotional attachment. But so can't adults too. My point is you're letting your emotional bias cloud what is a relatively benign idea - that maybe not every single teen girl in existence is an immature airhead. Is that so hard to conceive? '

Do you all get that, does it now make sense to you?

children need to be protected by society and by their parents from paedophiles. Very simple.
It is no reflection of how intelligent mature or whatever the child is. Children are children. They are victims in this they are too immature to see this can only hurt them. Thats why they have parents and parents have a responsibility to protect their children.

No matter how much you think a girl is mature enough for a relationship. She is not. Not emotionally, certainly not physically. ..We wont go there but tht could cause serious damage permanently to her insides. Not emotionally not on any level.any young girl can tell you the same in a few years herself.

I`m sorry ridicule I usually see eye to eye with you but frankly Im a bit dissappointed and hold a little less respect for you having read you`re view on younger girls. Please understand why.


Well-known member
that maybe not every single teen girl in existence is an immature airhead. Is that so hard to conceive?

i agree with this.absolutely. there are some very mature and well rounded teen girls out there. I admire them especially when i look at my stepdaughter and see how clueless and helpless she is.

It's really anyone's guess though as to how equipped even the most mature teen is at handling the affections and motives of a 20something or 30something yr old man.

I prefer to go with the experts on it since they study teen and child behaviors for a living...the majority of them feel it's unhealthy for a young teen to be with an adult romantically. hence the reason many places made it against the law.