Why are you depressed at the moment?


Well-known member
Losing interest in the things I used to love because of having no one to share them with and people's 'comments' about them.
Who's commenting?

Among a few things I feel completely lost in this world. I don't know where I'm at and don't know where I'm heading.
I know that feeling all too well. It's only really recently that I've decided on something I want to do with my life, but it's taken until now to really figure it out, and it won't be getting off the ground for some time, either.

For you, focus on the things you enjoy doing, whatever it may be, and your path will be automatically created for you. :)


Well-known member
I was feeling okay about 15 minutes ago because I had a line of four guests checking into the hotel I am the front desk agent at, and I was able to diffuse a panic attack by telling myself that it's okay if I start sweating from my face (that, and rapid heartbeat, is what happens when I panic). Then, a few minutes after that a women that was just my type and around my age came in with her boyfriend, and I immediately felt jealous, hopeless, and depressed. I felt like I would never be on the other side of the desk, checking in with my significant other. I don't want to be alone.


Well-known member
Feeling stuck and complacent. Wish I had more drive and fight built into me. Tired of living in my head.


Well-known member
Alone, mega different. not sleeping (didn't go to sleep last night just laid there) and when i do sleep i don't get up till 3pm Ahhh can't win.


Well-known member
1. I don't know what do do with myself in my free time. Except computer games and asking my parents to go to walk...
2. I want to do some things, but I am scared of them.
3. I feel than if I am happy, I will make some mistake at work. If something good happens, I will get "punished", not in the hard way, but lets say I will be put into a situation where I will be embarassed (seating in a bus in front of a pretty girl->panic attack). If I do something good at work, it is all forgotten when you finish work, and you start next day at 0, like on the football matches. Every day there is a chance of failure-more chances, more opportunities of you doing some mistake.
4. I feel I have reached a social limit of my life; I don't have friends, colleagues and so on; currently there is not much that interests me, so have nothing to talk about.
5. Even I don't buy new clothes (the "old" (2-3 years old) are still good) and I am not interested in doing it, because why would I need them, who cares.
6. I feel the world around me is trying to put a rope around my neck-I am scared to do things because I fear what the others will say and what they talk about me.
7. I feel guilty because I applied and got my job in 2010, in the middle of the worldwide crisis, while others are still jobless (I am now fulltime). So I feel I do not deserve to be happy, to start travelling and enjoying life. I feel I must at least to wait for other people (who are better than me) to also get employed, because they will better contribute to the world than me.


Well-known member
1. I don't know what do do with myself in my free time. Except computer games and asking my parents to go to walk...
2. I want to do some things, but I am scared of them.
3. I feel than if I am happy, I will make some mistake at work. If something good happens, I will get "punished", not in the hard way, but lets say I will be put into a situation where I will be embarassed (seating in a bus in front of a pretty girl->panic attack). If I do something good at work, it is all forgotten when you finish work, and you start next day at 0, like on the football matches. Every day there is a chance of failure-more chances, more opportunities of you doing some mistake.
4. I feel I have reached a social limit of my life; I don't have friends, colleagues and so on; currently there is not much that interests me, so have nothing to talk about.
5. Even I don't buy new clothes (the "old" (2-3 years old) are still good) and I am not interested in doing it, because why would I need them, who cares.
6. I feel the world around me is trying to put a rope around my neck-I am scared to do things because I fear what the others will say and what they talk about me.
7. I feel guilty because I applied and got my job in 2010, in the middle of the worldwide crisis, while others are still jobless (I am now fulltime). So I feel I do not deserve to be happy, to start travelling and enjoying life. I feel I must at least to wait for other people (who are better than me) to also get employed, because they will better contribute to the world than me.

WOW! That sounds very avpd. I wish I had some advice. I hope you're seeing someone about this. You deserve better!


Well-known member
Was attacked again for my interests by someone I barely know online yet again. have the strongest urge to troll the ****ing bitch, but I won't. Sick of being attacked and teased all the time for everything. No wonder I won't open up! Everyone is the same. I just want someone to connect to, but I guess they dont exist.


Well-known member
Because my life just feels hopeless at the moment. There's so many things i want to do but feel like i can't. My OCD is getting worse as well. Oh, and i live with my crazy mother who's always negative about everything.


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i have this urge to put things right. and since i feel i can only be happy when certain circumstances are fixed, the fact that i can't actually fix them is a constant source of sadness.


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I spent the entire day all alone at home. Had great plans for going out but then I convinced myself that it's too grey outside to leave the house 0_0 the only good thing I did was start reading "moonwalking with einstein" by joshua foer.. seems very interesting :)


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Whenever I have a disagreement with someone or someone has a go at me, I feel like the whole world is against me and it makes me feel more alone. wish someone was nice to me, shared my common interests and didn't treat me like a freak. no chance of that happening, it never happens


Well-known member
still lonely and depressed, jealous of others around me who have likeminded people as friends while i get rejected and teased all the time. no one would care if i disappeared


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My inability to stick to commitments sometimes. Reading about Facebook making it easier for people to cheat (kinda makes me want to not get involved in a relationship).

And to top it off, I have a depressing song stuck in my head.