1. I don't know what do do with myself in my free time. Except computer games and asking my parents to go to walk...
2. I want to do some things, but I am scared of them.
3. I feel than if I am happy, I will make some mistake at work. If something good happens, I will get "punished", not in the hard way, but lets say I will be put into a situation where I will be embarassed (seating in a bus in front of a pretty girl->panic attack). If I do something good at work, it is all forgotten when you finish work, and you start next day at 0, like on the football matches. Every day there is a chance of failure-more chances, more opportunities of you doing some mistake.
4. I feel I have reached a social limit of my life; I don't have friends, colleagues and so on; currently there is not much that interests me, so have nothing to talk about.
5. Even I don't buy new clothes (the "old" (2-3 years old) are still good) and I am not interested in doing it, because why would I need them, who cares.
6. I feel the world around me is trying to put a rope around my neck-I am scared to do things because I fear what the others will say and what they talk about me.
7. I feel guilty because I applied and got my job in 2010, in the middle of the worldwide crisis, while others are still jobless (I am now fulltime). So I feel I do not deserve to be happy, to start travelling and enjoying life. I feel I must at least to wait for other people (who are better than me) to also get employed, because they will better contribute to the world than me.