Why are you depressed at the moment?


Well-known member
still lonely and depressed, jealous of others around me who have likeminded people as friends while i get rejected and teased all the time. no one would care if i disappeared

Well, you've made some online friends here. People on this forum are nice to you. That's a start. :)


Well-known member
its so nice to wish that we was not alone .. i wish/dream/long not to be alone forever then I start thinking what's the point as I'm an scared something feeling sick in social situations I know NO r-ship would last more than a few weeks so why even bother trying ... But that's where it gets depressing as then I know i am going to be alone and ignore and judged for the rest of my life ... I am 24 in May its shocking my younger is getting married has a flat has a baby but I'm standing still I might still till I'm a 100 alone all alone every where you walk you see happy couples out enjoying life holding hands sharing life the good parts the bad parts ... There anit much to life if you don't have anyone to spend/share it with


Well-known member
Feel like giving up yet another thing that used to make me happy because of people's snide comments, and having no one to share it with. And once I do find someone, they blow me off! maybe i should just like nothing. This happens all the time. I can't stand it anymore.


Well-known member
Feel like giving up yet another thing that used to make me happy because of people's snide comments, and having no one to share it with. And once I do find someone, they blow me off! maybe i should just like nothing. This happens all the time. I can't stand it anymore.

Maybe you should give people a chance instead of blowing them off. :idontknow:


Well-known member
i have this urge to put things right. and since i feel i can only be happy when certain circumstances are fixed, the fact that i can't actually fix them is a constant source of sadness.

I have started to think about my ex more and more lately, despite the fact we have been seperated for 3 years. I think about her daily and fear what future she has to look forward to. I don't still love her, but I still would like to know she is doing o.k.

I am also about to move in to a place I recently purchased. Rather than experiencing excitement, I think how she will probably never be able to buy her own place and will be one of the growing number of 'working poor' in contemporary Australia. Despite having 2 degrees, she cannot get a decent paying job as a medical clearance has locked her out of teaching and her Masters in Social Work seems to end up with prospective government employers discovering the medical clearance for teaching and not offering her a position or asking her to resign when they discover her clearance, which everyone, family, friends, even employees of Public Service Human Resources has told her that they actually cannot do.
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Well-known member
These days? I lost my job. Then I got a very nice job offer, but I know that I miss about one or two years of hard practicing before I'd be good enough to accept it. Gah...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Because as ah approach ma mid-20s, ah still don't know what tae do with ma life. And ah ultimately feel like am just wastin' it.


Thanks for asking!

Every minute of every day is a mixed bag of everything

I believe by typing this, you won't want to read it...
This is why I enjoy that you don't have to listen to an annoying voice in your ear / face

Finished on a 30 min phone interview at 1100 which I spent all day yesterday and this morning preparing, about a crucial American company about cloud storage and security, and a 10 minute walk from my home to the UK HQ. I picked up the phone shuddering. I just don't know what to do when the voice at the other end is too silent to make any sense of it; just announcing what I have to offer. My broad experience shows me that nobody wants to listen. I have put up with silent murmurs many times. For the first time, I honestly detect that a call arranged this way to sound this quiet, to see what happens with the candidate

Magically, a Skype call from my Dad
at 1150, which surprises me when once in a year it is my big brother lasting 43:51

I became a shaking, timid wreaking havoc. The subject my brother brought up was about me becoming homeless. It is very important to speak meaningfully, expressively over long distance with no need to hold a piece of plastic against any ear. Walking around any room, hearing their voice on hi-fi amp and floorstanding speakers, louder than it would be if the person was right here

Ummm... possibly the last time it will happen, when the bailiffs turn up to cut me off... from


I have depression,severe social phobia,am bipolar and slight schizophrenia..and for the last two years I've had some kind of physical sickness and have been basically begging my parents to help me but they just call me a hypochondriac and laugh..I have no one else to turn to..I'm home schooled and have literally no friends so I just don't know what to do


Well-known member
I have depression,severe social phobia,am bipolar and slight schizophrenia..and for the last two years I've had some kind of physical sickness and have been basically begging my parents to help me but they just call me a hypochondriac and laugh..I have no one else to turn to..I'm home schooled and have literally no friends so I just don't know what to do

I'm sorry to hear about your problems, VitalSign. :sad:

I know several people who are bipolar and/or schizophrenic, and they are doing well on medication. Are you using any medicine, or do your parents completely block this avenue?


Well-known member
I'm depressed as a result of being unable to beat my social anxiety "A Fancy Term For Caring Too Much About What Other People Think" and eating disorder. Self confidence is practically non existant. A lot of frustration also stems from the way I look.

Currently at my lowest I've ever been.


Well-known member
It's my Birthday tomorrow and i won't have a group of friends to share it with. Even if i did i wouldn't enjoy myself because i find the whole birthday thing embarrassing.
For me its alot of reasons why im depressed right now.
One of the things is that i have a long distance relationship, which ive had for nearly 4 years now and nothing have changed :sad: we still live in different countries and i feel as if its all my fault because im too scared of moving over to him still. I really want to but my courage doesnt exist.

Then i have the feeling of being worthless cuz i still cant ask people for help like in a store or in the street, that still havent changed in 26 years :crying:
I cant even function normally like you should be able to at my age :(

A few days ago i were so close to sticking a big knife in my chest because im so sick of living but i couldnt even do that cuz im too scared.



Well-known member
ok, here i go.
i am feeling fat and ugly, i feel like everything i do is wrong, i feel realy lonly, i am so tired of life and everything, and many ather things too.
all of this make me have realy bad thoughts:sad:

i feel alsow bad for posting a such negativ things, sorry!


Well-known member
It's my Birthday tomorrow and i won't have a group of friends to share it with. Even if i did i wouldn't enjoy myself because i find the whole birthday thing embarrassing.

Happy early Birthday! Today's my birthday.. I'm guessing you're young but as you get older it's really just another day.. I don't have a big group of friends either, tomorrow me and my niece (which sounds strange but she's like my best friend) are gonna go and see a band play, and that's good enough for me. I don't really need a big celebration. Just do something nice for yourself. :)
I'm depressed for the same reason as you. I moved to Australia to years ago and haven't connected with anyone or made a single friend yet. My husband thinks its weird and tells me all the time which doesnt help. I also have body image issues which makes me self conscious.


Well-known member
Happy early Birthday! Today's my birthday.. I'm guessing you're young but as you get older it's really just another day.. I don't have a big group of friends either, tomorrow me and my niece (which sounds strange but she's like my best friend) are gonna go and see a band play, and that's good enough for me. I don't really need a big celebration. Just do something nice for yourself. :)

Happy Birthday. I'm 25 so not that young.


Well-known member
I'm depressed for the same reason as you. I moved to Australia to years ago and haven't connected with anyone or made a single friend yet. My husband thinks its weird and tells me all the time which doesnt help. I also have body image issues which makes me self conscious.

Why did you move all the way over there? Can't you keep in touch with family/ old friends on Facebook etc?