whats your status? with poll

what's your relationship status?

  • Male, currently in a relationship

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Male, currently single

    Votes: 41 47.1%
  • Female, currently in a relationship

    Votes: 16 18.4%
  • Female, currently single

    Votes: 23 26.4%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
It's interesting that the numbers are diverging from those in the SAS thread. They're substantially less extreme. :thinking:

Your Relationship Status. - Social Anxiety Forum

Both samples are very small. It's no surprise they deviate this much from one another.

The results don't surprise me either. It would be interesting to compare these results with a sample of people without SA. I expect that both groups of women (with and without SA) are more likely to be in a relationship than men, though the difference would be more noticeable in the SA group.

It could also be interesting to see how much time both genders spent on relationships, or maybe the number of relationships they had. I expect the currently single males to have had less relationships than currently single females.

As for why, there could be some reasons such as:
-considering our society, men are usually expected to initiate interaction with the opposite sex;
-women might have an easier time connecting to other people (specially potential partners) due to evolutionary reasons;
-considering the evolution of our species, a "weak" female is more "acceptable" than a "weak" male; females are genetically programmed to look for strong and brave men, capable of protecting and providing for their family, leaving those with SA out; from the perspective of a male, a "weak" woman may be more desirable or just as desirable as any other, as long as she seems capable of bearing children.

The last two reasons may be completely off because I never studied anything related to it. Feel free to prove me wrong.


Well-known member
As for why, there could be some reasons such as:
-considering our society, men are usually expected to initiate interaction with the opposite sex;
-women might have an easier time connecting to other people (specially potential partners) due to evolutionary reasons;
-considering the evolution of our species, a "weak" female is more "acceptable" than a "weak" male; females are genetically programmed to look for strong and brave men, capable of protecting and providing for their family, leaving those with SA out; from the perspective of a male, a "weak" woman may be more desirable or just as desirable as any other, as long as she seems capable of bearing children.

From my experience you could add "predatory males who use mental health sites for easy prey".


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
From my experience you could add "predatory males who use mental health sites for easy prey".
I was about to add...well something along those lines.

A recent thread made clear that 'meeting chicks' is a a major reason why a lot of males join sites like these--though I don't believe that means they are necessarily predatory. They could just be lonely, and using any and all means they can think of to meet chicks. I don't believe 'meeting dudes' is a typical female reason for joining these sites. It would skew the numbers in any event.

I know we get predators here sometimes. I've met some of them. I don't think they are a major percentage. Gah. I hope they're not.


Well-known member

Here are some Cockatiel chicks I prepared earlier.

I should add, there are some lonely guys on this site, looking for love, but they seem pretty decent to me.
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Well-known member
Did Lenny have those? :eek: But he's a male, right? Or a female?

So cute. And they're even colorful as babies! And have those little tufts on their head. D'awwww.

Lenny has laid two eggs. She's a she. Great little personalities they are.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Hehehe. What about Sarah McLachlan? Jim Carey? ...Avril Lavigne? :D
Hey, I like Sarah McLachlan! Except when she appears on those horrible, horrible heart-wrenching abused animal commercials. Those make me want to die.
10% of men that sign up here are predators? That's actually kind of a lot.... :thumbdown:
Yeah. Quite a bit more than I was figuring. :/