what was your best ..


Probably gym class aka P.E.

Just playing sports or doing something with other people without talking so much made me forget about my problems.
Exotic Ovens

Man, I always hated when people would ask me this question. I would either say "lunch", or "going home". Not that those are subjects....


Well-known member
it kind of depended on my teacher, i guess... i had one history teacher who sucked the life out of everyone and it was soooo boring, but my american history teacher in 11th grade was awesome, i made a 96 or something in that class.... i was really interested in the art classes i took (printmaking, photography, fibers, drawing, etc etc) but the art teacher was a freakin' nazi and no one really liked her, so i had a hard time wanting to put effort into everything i did.. i didn't make really good grades in those classes, but i enjoyed them the most..
In high school, I would say science/math... I loved band, but it wasn't all that challenging.

In college, I found that as far as math goes, once I hit calculus, that's as far as my brain will go- and science labs weren't really something I enjoyed- so I majored in accounting. But music theory was probably my best/easiest subject- it was always my heaviest weighted class (4 credits) and the one I had to study for the least (if at all).

I absolutely hated English in high school, and never went anywhere near the English department in college (I took a freshman seminar in Government to satisfy my writing requirement ::p:). History in both high school and college depended on the teacher... I think I would have considered majoring in history if it weren't for having to write papers.


Well-known member
If the question is what did I enjoy the most? Or what class did I get the best grades? My favorite would be any science class, especially aviation science, then anatomy and physiology, and band which really wasn't much of a class, but I got to play percussion.


Well-known member
English, it's always been my strong suite and Art when I really tried. Math is of course, my nemesis.

johnny 85

Well-known member
im goin picking P.E. :D i hated school, also the teachers hated me. i was too giddy and a messer. funny how the tables have nt turned !!

id be a teachers dream student if i went back to school now !


Well-known member
I was always the very best at sneaking out of class to wander around outside...
Hippie always got an A+ in Sneakiness


Well-known member
My best was music and maths, my favourite was probably drama cause we had a really wicked group vibe and it was like our own little secret club. Loved it!