what was your best ..


Well-known member
My "favourite" subjects were Art, Music and English.
I hated P.E. It's not like I was unfit, but when it comes to sports there's a lot of group stuff going on, you have to be "a part of the team" and be properly co-ordinated with your body - which I am not. And the P.E. teacher was a total di... well, you know.
English, Here in The Netherlands our first language is Dutch, but I love to speak English, I think it's cooler because it's the world-language :D
And I liked music :) and art ::eek::


my headmaster seemed to think my fav subject was detention:confused:

i liked geography, i loved learning about people that live in caves made of ice.


Well-known member
ʞɹɐqʎǝʞɐןɟ;261978 said:
do you have like a secret stash of smileys hidden somewhere:confused:

No way... I wouldn't think of hiding any smileys from you guys. I couldn't bear
the thought of doing such a thing... That's just no way to BEE...
ICT, computers and stuff.

Worst subject were all languages, I would often walk out of lessons and outright refuse because I thought there was no point in learning a language from countries I will never want to go to.

what u have against lanuguages? :O and I bet they didnt make u learn Latin:p im surely never going to Latinland :p


Well-known member
Mine was art, and second was history! loved both subjects! Shame they didn't have them at the school i was in, in year 11 (special school for students struggling with mainstream school - i was there for anxiety). They only had maths and english available due to lack of staff. =(


Well-known member
This year I'm surprisingly good at math for the first time ever. I like Spanish the most though, even if it gets boring sometimes.


Well-known member
i used to like getting the cane for bunking off school :) im mean thats kind of a lesson isnt it :confused:


My best subject was Drama suprisingly,I use to have so much passion for acting.It was the only subject I did well in and didnt get in trouble,just wish I had pursued it after school.


Well-known member
My worst "subject" ever was gym class! lol I only liked to play sports like tennis, volleyball and badminton, which I was pretty good at. I didn't like to do anything else and I was often "on my period". lol The male gym teacher was too queasy about the whole menstruation subject so he left me alone. What made things worse was this huge (not fat but HUGE as in she was bigger than the biggest boy in school) girl who loved sports. This female (liked to be called "Bear") had a really mean kick. Imagine having a soccer ball kicked in your face full force! Or even worse! Chest and groin areas! That **** was hell! I mean, she didn't do it on purpose...

Ahhh, highschool PE class. I'm not a very competitive person at all, so that was torture for me. I enjoy being active quite a bit, but that course was a joke to me. Myself and a couple of my friends skipped so often that it ended up being like 2 months of days skipped or so. (Except probably more because sometimes we just went for attendance and thennnn ditched). Probably got more exercise walking around town than we would have if we were in PE and endured 70 minutes of "elimination volleyball." I was failing and just brought up my mark by doing worksheets about physical activity or orienteering. Thank goodness for those cop outs.