What percentage of you actually think you'll get better?

Do you believe that you'll one day get over the hump?

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Well-known member
I believe that I'll most likely always suffer with some anxiety, after all, it's very normal. It's just that often in the past, and even now, my perception of fear and my irrational thinking has led to me having such 'extreme' anxiety.

One of the biggest maintenance factors for anxiety is hopelessness/lack of belief in change. If you possess this, especially strongly, it's going to be very hard to get better. I used to think this way, and I'm not 'over' anxiety, but it's more manageable now through a second try at CBT + medication. I worked very hard to get some elements of my life back. Due to that hard work and pushing myself continuously, I no longer have the whole lack of belief in change perception - because I've seen change occur.


not actually Fiona Apple

Hope for the best, Plan for the worst...


I chose question mark. even though as time goes by it probably gets tougher to change, who knows, with a little discipline, patience and fortitude I can improve my self confidence and that can snowball into something unexpected.



Well-known member
I used to think i would, sometimes i still do.
But then one day i have a panic attack and it makes me feel like i've hit rock bottom again. Not to mention all the stories i've read where people have suffered with agoraphobia for 20+ years, ive been suffering for a year and half and already wanna crawl into a hole and die.


Well-known member
Although I feel pretty bad and doubtful about myself every single day ... I still have hope. At times I figure 'Even if I make it, things will still be too stressful.' but yet I keep trying and I simply risk it.
I've got a lot of stressful stuff on my plate right now, but I know I'll succeed eventually.


Pirate from the North Pole
Even if I'm getting better, society and me, we don't like each other, and we don't need each other.
Still looking for a solution to coexist. There must be one.
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Active member
Well I already took one big step recently by actually seeking help. SA has been a problem for me for a along time now i just never had the will to say anything or tell anyone about it..so im really proud of myself for stepping up

Ive been seeing a counselor for about 5 weeks and im looking into psychiatrists and local meet up groups. Even tho everday is a struggle I know theres a light at the end of that tunnel and im not giving up hope. I believe we can all get through this with the proper skills and help. I try to look beyond the medicine

just wanna b normal

Well-known member
Especially those of us who don't even make an effort to be social? What's the point of waking up everyday? You're miserable, you're lonely, your life is repetitive and you're depressed. All the while everyone around you is happy and enjoying life. However, instead of attempting to make things better or just giving up (offing yourself) you continue to stand idle at the fork in the road and ride things out, why?

for those of you who know you won't get any better I'd like to know why haven't you just quit? (especially those 30 and up)

I'm not attempting to put anyone on the spot, these questions are for everyone, myself included, I just want to know why we continue to do what we do.

you have to make an effort to be social thats thee only way you'll learn how to socailize! i gave up before & i wasted two years of my life ill never get back & i wish i hadnt...dont ever give up!!! dont u know that? BTW are you really spike lee?:)


Well-known member
I keep going because right know I am lving brilliant days despite the darkness. I keep throwing myself against the walls the world puts in my way, and occassionally I break through.

And when I do break though those walls, I live some of the best days imagineable. And that is worth staying alive for, despite the uncertainty about the future.


in a VAN down by the RIVER
As you get older, people respect your boundaries more. They start to realize that you just are the way you are and they stop trying to make you fit into their idea of normalcy.

That’s been a big help to me, the relief from that pressure that comes from family and friends who constantly just think you’re gonna snap out of your disorder.

I’ve never been good with deadlines and expectations, so marching to the beat of my own drummer is best anyway. I wish to God that they would have backed-off years and years ago, and let me get my bearings in my own time, but their intentions came from a good place.

By the way, my answer is that I have gotten better with time, if that wasn’t clear.


Active member
I don't know if I'll ever get "better".. I'm almost too scared to hope.

You have to keep ur chin up theres always another day to make a difference. Try not to dwell on the past and release all those negatives..and try to look towards the future. I know its alot easier said then done people tell me this all the time expecting me to turn around in a day or two but it rele isnt that easy. Just have confidence and ull get better :)


Well-known member
I will get better, but like general life, things continue to keep coming. Depression never ceases to vanish for more than a couple of days or a week or two at most, before coming back. I know I'm on a tough road, a road filled with illness even, but it's a road I'll conquer. Story of my life.