I like travelling the road least traveled. It seems like everyone does these days so I don't know how interesting that makes me. :

: I like being different when I'm comfortable. I'd rather do things my way then the "normal" way. Inside the box is safe but outside the box is way more fun.
I'm particular. Once I find something that works I'm not quick to change. I fear being influenced by others, not being my own person. I love figuring things out, but I hate being told the answers before I do.
I'm mysterious. People see me and wonder what is going on in my head. I say so little and it confuses people how I can live. They don't understand, and I don't tell them why. It's okay, why isn't important.
I'm a dreamer. Daydream, nightdream, the dream, hypothetical dreams, dream dreams. I don't always live in the real world, I can make a better one in my head.