What Makes You Interesting?


Well-known member
Some things that interested me this last week:

I saw a Koala up a Paperbark tree last week. It clung to the narrow treem and looked down at us sleepy eyed.

Watched two glossy black cockatoos feeding in a she oak for about five minutes. They were so tame they wouldn't move as we stood nearby. I noticed their heads were a lighter brown than the rest of their bodies, they have scarlet read feathers in the broad tail. Their beaks are huge for cracking open she oak cones.

Walked through massive Bloodwood and balckbutt trees growing on sand; visited a hidden luxuriant patch of littoral rainforest. In the swales were pockets of Paperbark trees, a dark line around the base where standing water rose to during the floods. Visited tall White's tea tree heath, with dense green canopy a little like a bonsai tree.

I learnt about Australian rainforests, and how they have contracted during this interglacial period, but have the genetical potential to expand when climate conditions change.

I saw a picture show of South American plants and animals which was incredible


Well-known member
Ahh... I write a lot - you could even say obsessively (I would). Any time I'm feeling off I'll just write down whatever thoughts flash through my skull; it's sort of like... splatterpainting, with language. Later I try to make sense of the bits and turn them into poems or stories. It's cathartic I guess.

I have kind of a ****ed up past. I suppose that could be interesting to some. Lots of drugs (I'm clean now, mostly). I've seen more people die than most will in their entire lives, and I'm 19. I considered joining the military until I found out they do a psych evaluation which I would fail for sure. Also my eyesight isn't great which probably wouldn't help.

Em... I have at one point in my life had no blood of my own in my body (a fact that earned me the nickname 'vamp' in high school).

Oh and my family is practically an encyclopedia of mental disorders.

Basically, I'm a freak. Does that count as interesting?


Well-known member
1. I drink.
2. I gamble.
3. I'm very quiet. (Boring to many people, but interesting to some people)
4. I have a sense of humor.
5. I watch many different genres of movies.
6. I listen to many different kinds of music.
7. I can be unpredictable.
8. I'm good at some Xbox video games.
9. Once you get to know me, you'll like me.
10. I like many sports.
11. I am stronger than I look.
12. I lift weights and exercise.....and still drink.
13. I am nice when some people think I should be bitter because I'm alone so often.
14. I take antacid tablets (That's interesting because it's weird).
15. I have no friends.
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razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
They're probably interested in me because i'm so awkward and because my mind works different maybe....
Basically, I'm a freak. Does that count as interesting?

I am a freak too. I have spent a lot of time basically trying to get better, whatever that means. I have no real hobbies, though I do have some interests. Some people find me amusing. Some find me a total bore. It varies.
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Well-known member
Ahh... I write a lot - you could even say obsessively (I would). Any time I'm feeling off I'll just write down whatever thoughts flash through my skull; it's sort of like... splatterpainting, with language. Later I try to make sense of the bits and turn them into poems or stories. It's cathartic I guess.

I have kind of a ****ed up past. I suppose that could be interesting to some. Lots of drugs (I'm clean now, mostly). I've seen more people die than most will in their entire lives, and I'm 19. I considered joining the military until I found out they do a psych evaluation which I would fail for sure. Also my eyesight isn't great which probably wouldn't help.

Em... I have at one point in my life had no blood of my own in my body (a fact that earned me the nickname 'vamp' in high school).

Oh and my family is practically an encyclopedia of mental disorders.

Basically, I'm a freak. Does that count as interesting?

Yes. Yes it does.
That's the only reason anyone thinks I'm interesting - because I'm a freak.
We're in the same boat.
I think you both seem very interesting, but not because you are freaks.

I am a freak myself and I'm not interesting at all


Well-known member
I think it takes complex and complicated people to solve complex and complicated problems (present in the world we are living in).

Well, when has anyone 'normal' ever made history? :)

Lady Gaga capitalizes on the 'embrace yourself' movement and has gotten millions from it, so... huh? :)

Most people on this forum seem VERY interesting - or have the potential to be!!
(Some may be young and still to explore and discover their awesomeness!! :))

To you guys, some of these things may seem 'ordinary' (overcoming difficulties, being creative etc), but there are most probably many people out there who will go: 'Wow, awesome!'


Active member
I don't think it's nessesarily our life experiences that make us unique and by us I mean us here on spw, I' think it's the fact that we ask these questions of ourselves that is why we are unique and special people and others are lucky that we allow them to get to know us.


Well-known member
I love ficiton, and work on it.
I grewed up in the most insane city in the world,
where everybody gets a piece of the insan-o pie.
They won't show it but they are insane.


not actually Fiona Apple
I like travelling the road least traveled. It seems like everyone does these days so I don't know how interesting that makes me. ::p: I like being different when I'm comfortable. I'd rather do things my way then the "normal" way. Inside the box is safe but outside the box is way more fun.

I'm particular. Once I find something that works I'm not quick to change. I fear being influenced by others, not being my own person. I love figuring things out, but I hate being told the answers before I do.

I'm mysterious. People see me and wonder what is going on in my head. I say so little and it confuses people how I can live. They don't understand, and I don't tell them why. It's okay, why isn't important.

I'm a dreamer. Daydream, nightdream, the dream, hypothetical dreams, dream dreams. I don't always live in the real world, I can make a better one in my head.


Well-known member
i'm not even sure what made me think of it, but i used to paint these little "death dolls" years ago (many years ago).



Well-known member
sold the one in the cage on ebay long ago (didn't get enough for it either), & also the 'eddie herman' couple... gave one to my niece, & not sure where the others went (at least the ones pictured, as they're only part of the ones i did throughout the years). unfortunately the mannequin head & arm are also long gone. i'd done a really great dij (death in june, probably unfamiliar to all but a few) tattoo on the arm, so i'm unhappy about not having that. i've moved zillions times since most of these photos were taken & unfortunately lost track of so much...
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Well-known member
My exceptionally boring personality.
But srsly I'd say my taste in music and knowledge of playing an instrument.