What Makes You Interesting?


Well-known member
What do you do for a living?

I'm a mechanical engineer. My company builds processing plants for mining companies. I specifically design and size most of that equipment...grinders, tanks, autoclaves, pumps, compressors, etc...

It's fun, challenging and pays the bills. I also like the people I work with quite a lot.

Eventually, though, I want to be a hotshot investment banker on Wall st ::p:

What about you?


Active member
I'm a mechanical engineer. My company builds processing plants for mining companies. I specifically design and size most of that equipment...grinders, tanks, autoclaves, pumps, compressors, etc...

It's fun, challenging and pays the bills. I also like the people I work with quite a lot.

Eventually, though, I want to be a hotshot investment banker on Wall st ::p:

What about you?

Seriously though, that really does sound like an interesting thing to do. You get to create new equipment, build **** that makes the job easier, etc.
Yo bein' too hard on yo'self.
Tell us more.


Active member
Um, I guess cosplay might make me interesting? Since I sculpt and cast armour in my spare time? I dunno though, I guess it depends on if you like that kind of thing. D:

@ zav943 I think your job sounds awesome, I'd love to get a cool job like that. :3


Well-known member
You tell me. I don't think anyone can really be defined by their occupation or hobbies. What makes a person interesting to me is all the intangibles behind them, the hows and whys of what they do, say and feel. I'm particularly interested when they're at least a little like me.

man on the hill

Well-known member
Im very accident prone :rolleyes:

but seriously, I had an accident a couple years ago that changed my life forever, I came SO close to almost dying, but God gave me a second chance at life I believe. The big scar I have left is sort of what makes me unique I guess along with the story that goes with it.


Well-known member
Here are some things that sometimes trick people into thinking I'm interesting:
* I was almost struck by lightning while elephant trekking in Nepal.
* I've been in a plane that was struck by lightning.
* I've flown a Cessna twice.
* I've skydived and found it beyond terrifying.
* I've scuba dived with sea turtles off Koh Tao.
* I've had people in Burma take me into the shadows to tell me what was really going on.
* I love horses, but mostly because they go really really fast.
* I've raced my car around Taupo race track really really fast.
* I can build my own computer from parts.
* I used to be able to tune my car and change its oil.
* I once haggled a car dealer and got $7000 off the sticker price, yay!
* I've had a tire blow out on a freeway, which I can tell you was not fun.
* I've been in my car while my boyfriend reversed it off a cliff, which was not fun either.
* I still have the scar where my foot dragged along coral after I tipped out of my kayak in Rarotonga.
* I've been stuck all afternoon on a protected island seal colony while kayaking after reading the winds wrong, getting boggled at by pups and passing tourists alike.
* I've celebrated New Year on the Piazza San Marco in Venice.
* I've spent the night watching the hostel I had been sleeping in burn down, along with my pack.
* I used to work across the road from the mysterious Blue Cube in Sunnyvale.
* I had my ear and navel pierced at Mom's Body Shop in the Haight.
* I have party tricks that freak people out, because I'm so double-jointed.
* I used to sing in the Wellington Youth Choir, but I haven't sung in years.
* I have the world's best lemon sour cream cake recipe.


Well-known member
Mmmmkay. I'm trying really hard to come up with some stuff that makes me special......

* I have a loud kinda special laugh (when I dare to laugh in front of folks)
* I'm interested in politics and social issues (it's not special but let's say in my 'social circle' people couldn't care less about that so I feel I have a lil' advantage when it comes to some debates ;) )
* I can play the violin


My proudest achievement to date is making someone laugh so hard they peed their pants.

From there its pretty much been going downhill ever since..