What kinds of people are you attracted to?


Well-known member
I'm attracted to older guys (I'm 19) and usually with dark hair
And usually only taller guys (I'm 6'3 so that's hard to find usually)


Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Personality-wise (and I know this sounds cliched) I like girls with good sense of humour. I like people who can make me laugh. She'd also need to "get" my sense of humour, or she'd be :rolleyes: a lot of the time. :)

I like people with strong views and opinions as long as they're not belligerent about them. (She might, for example, be a vegetarian and I will respect her beliefs, but she'd have to respect my right to get a BigMac whenever I wanted one.)

Someone with whom I have shared interests is good, but I'd also want her to have interests that were totally her own, as I don't think it's good or necessary for a couple to do everything together. I also tend to find someone more interesting if they have interests that are outside my usual scope of experience.

As for looks, I don't really have any hard and fast preferences. I suppose if I look at women I've been most attracted to or been in relationships with, she'd have dark, pretty eyes (brown rather than blue), longish dark hair (shoulder length or longer) and be of average height or above. Oh, and probably wear glasses.


Well-known member
Hard to say, I could like everything. When the feeling (love) is there, it doesn't matter how she looks/what she is.::p:

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
This seems to be another thing that people don't seem to like. Especially in a woman. Apparently, it's a turn off to some if a woman is passionate about her beliefs and opinons or expresses them in a passionate manner.

Oh it's definitely a turn on if a woman is passionate about something. It's only if that passion turns into lecturing or hectoring that it becomes a turn off for me.

That's really cool to hear because many people only want to be with someone who will like the same things they like.

I already know a lot about the things I like, and while it's good to be able to share that enthusiasm, it's fascinating to learn about and experience things that I had never considered before.

You're full of surprises. lol For the longest time, I've always heard men say that they prefer women with blue, green or otherwise light eye colors. I personally have rarely heard men comment on a woman's brown eyes.

I know that a lot of guys like the blonde haired, blue eyed girls and looking at them objectively I can see that they are attractive, but it just doesn't "do" it for me. Give me the soft, dark brown eyes of a mediterranean girl any day.

(Not literally, of course. I prefer that they remain in her own head. Gets messy otherwise. ;))


Well-known member
hahaha what game? I'll marry a videogame character, I don't care. It's been done

idk, =/ i just figured there was one somewhere! haha

..and why is it always japan where guys are marrying video games and having plastic dolls with big holes for mouths as girlfriends?! lmao


Well-known member
I like girls who are extroverted, and who are real people's person. Beliefs in New Age Spirituality is a big plus for me too. She also has to have a nice smile. Otherwise I am fairly open.


Well-known member
^ that's not strange at all. I know lots of women into those guys. The 'bad boy' look. Or the shaggy hippie-looking types (like me lol)