what is your proof that
we are not created by some one else ?
we are alone in this life ?
its a naive idea to think there is no creator and we are alone ? i don't know how you convince your self with this idea ?
even einstein believed that we are not alone and god is exist
Einsten's belief in a supernatural doesn't have anything to do with it's existence. I don't mean to be argumentative, but please explain why someone that does not believe in a creator be naive? The burden of proof is on you that claims there is a supernatural being, just as if I sat in a room with you and suddenly yelled unicorn, I would have to explain what observations has led me to this conclusion.
you believe that we was monkeys ?
lets say this idea is true why didn't the rest of monkeys evolved ???
That is not how evolution works. There is no mastermind changing species into "higher" life. We found a ecological niche and millions of years of evolution adapted us to fill this niche. The monkeys have their own niche, and I would argue they are pretty darn good at it as they are still doing pretty well as a species.
lets say again that the idea we were monkeys is true
where is the evidence ??????
we know the evolution take 1000's and 1000000's of years to makes this changes happen
where are the bones of this monkeys while transforming from monkeys to humans
There is not fossil evidence of every single species along the way, but there is fragmented fossil and overwhelming genetic evidence that we are closely related to the apes and mammals in general. Even if there was no evidence to that fact and everybody perceived the birth of the human species as being 300 years ago, a universe without an afterlife and a universe without a creator is still more plausible, again because I have not seen or heard from this creator and I have yet to see this afterlife, and I have yet to see somebody rise from the dead, and every physical law of nature suggests nothing about the supernatural.
now lets say we came from nothing how is that possible ????
can any one make any thing from nothing ??????????
how can even something start from nothing ??????
I don't know and I'm willing to bet science will never find the answers to these questions, but why would these suggest a supernatural being? Why would these suggest a benevolent supernatural being? Why would these suggest a Christian supernatural being? In a system of infinite variables it is just as likely God is a peg-legged pirate as God is the one seen in the bible.
I problem here is science and religion just don't mix. Faith is a belief in something not supported by evidence.