What do you dream about doing "someday"??


Well-known member
Hopefully one day I will have enough money week to week not to worry.

I would love my own house but owning your own house is becoming more and more unrealistic.

I would love to travel around Australia and, eventually, the world.


Well-known member
I'll go first - I'd love to travel, and as most of my friends only want to go on crazy raving holidays to ibiza or ayia napa, I'd like to go alone and meet people along the way. I think if I saved up and had enough money to go for 6 months to a year, not only would it give me time and space to clear my head and figure out what I want to do with my life, it would also be an amazing life experience and would definitely help me with meeting new people.

But as much as I want to meet new people, I'm terrified of it. Even if I could save enough money it would probably stay in the bank unless I could find a way to overcome my fears :(
From what I've read in most of these comments, people tend to have a dream that involves being outside of their comfort zone and living completely free from whatever it is that cripples them, as well as experiencing something that gives them a lot of happiness. When it comes to answering the "what is your dream?" type of question, I feel like the picture I envision in my mind is increasing each time I come up with the things I plan to achieve in this life. It's one of those THINK BIG. To me, a dream is never small or something insignificant that you shouldn't talk about. It's something that a person should hold onto or else the dream will just diminish.

Being able to travel around the world is part of my dream, which consists of many BIG changes but take a lot of work along the way. Like my dream is also a long term goal that I'm currently working on aside from my short term goals (ie: finding a job so that I can pay off debt, etc.) but to me, achieving a dream seems like a long way to go. I want to travel to certain places in Europe like Italy or France but then it'll only be for such a short period unless I have a mission there to fulfill. Helping people living in 3rd world countries, being part of an organization that allows for something like that, to me, is fulfilling something more than just sightseeings. My dream also includes making a difference in people's lives and specifically, taking on a leadership role... which is something I can work on now and for the rest of my life. Maybe I just happen to look up to people like Oprah or Christopher Columbus or Ghandi... such extraordinary figures who have achieved success and made world history. They're both such inspirational people whose dreams were so great that they were able to achieve great things. And that's what I dream about. I always think that I can do much better now than before. Somewhere in the future, I will make time for marriage and having a family but if that doesn't come anytime soon or if I remain single for over a year, I will certainly proceed with the dream of inspiring lives and finding people who need my help. :)


Well-known member
I want to find an art I can express my over whelming emotions in and share it with the world. I can hardly think of anything better then being able to share my inner most thoughts through an art form that can move and reach out to people. I could ask nothing more of life.

Other things I dream about are...

Having a tight group of friends I can depend on and feel accepted and appreciated in.
I want to do something to help unfortunate children.
I want my niece to grow up to me a emotional stable confident woman. God knows life's hard when your not.
I want to travel the world
I want my parents to have a big beautiful house with all the working appliances anyone could ever ask for.
I want to have a stable job I love and am good at.
I want to find a man that can put up with me and love me forever.

Oh yeah, plus the motivation and confidence to make all this happen.....It does say dream.
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Well-known member
I want to find an art I can express my over whelming emotions in and share it with the world. I can hardly think of anything better then being able to share my inner most thoughts through an art form that can move and reach out to people. I could ask nothing more of life.

I understand this. Everybody needs an outlet. Do you write? I keep a blog, it's my outlet and I don't know how I managed without it. It's not overly personal, just a collection of thoughts. I'd recommend keeping one.
If you don't write... I totally understand what you mean about needing that expression. I'm full of admiration for those artists who can do what looks like a mere squiggle on a page but when you really look at it, you see so much more.

My dreams of things to do someday:

- I want to be living in a flat in a cosmopolitan city abroad, either alone or with a few other people from across the world. The diversity on this planet feeds me with energy. I love chatting to people from other countries and cultures and I love the thrill that comes from the uncertainty of being in foreign places. I like not being able to understand everything that goes on around me. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in this town, or even this country. It's too comfortable here. If that makes sense.

- Having children one day. Or, if I don't find anyone to marry, I'd adopt. I don't want any kind of ties right now but I feel that in 10 years time or so I might feel differently and will need something more in life.

That's all for now...


Well-known member
. Helping people living in 3rd world countries,

I live in the 3rd world, can you start by helping me?

Serious sort of an answer:
Primary goal: die happy
after I did:
  • get a pilots license
  • finished my house
  • got a degree
  • travel all over the world
And hopefully:
somewhere along the line get a woman who actually cares about me.


Well-known member
I understand this. Everybody needs an outlet. Do you write? I keep a blog, it's my outlet and I don't know how I managed without it. It's not overly personal, just a collection of thoughts. I'd recommend keeping one.
If you don't write... I totally understand what you mean about needing that expression. I'm full of admiration for those artists who can do what looks like a mere squiggle on a page but when you really look at it, you see so much more.

I do rarely write poetry as a outlet, not so much as an art. It's just a way to get my thoughts out. I've also had a few diaries. I never wrote in them consistently, just when I had thoughts I wanted to express.. Your right. It is a great way to release emotion. Even though I've hardly ever done it, I would suggest to anyone. I might actually try and do it more.

Artists of that nature absolutely amaze me as well. What they do adds amazing beauty and depth to the world.


Well-known member
Having children one day. Or, if I don't find anyone to marry, I'd adopt. I don't want any kind of ties right now but I feel that in 10 years time or so I might feel differently and will need something more in life.
I absolutely, positively, undeniably don't want kids. BUT in 10 years time I will be 35 and a very different person, so who knows. I might already have a 9-year-old by then. Haha. So like you I don't want them now but who knows in the future. I hope you do get to have kids to a nice man. :)


Well-known member
I do rarely write poetry as a outlet, not so much as an art. It's just a way to get my thoughts out. I've also had a few diaries. I never wrote in them consistently, just when I had thoughts I wanted to express.. Your right. It is a great way to release emotion. Even though I've hardly ever done it, I would suggest to anyone. I might actually try and do it more.

Artists of that nature absolutely amaze me as well. What they do adds amazing beauty and depth to the world.

You should, I think it's so important to let these things out :)

I absolutely, positively, undeniably don't want kids. BUT in 10 years time I will be 35 and a very different person, so who knows. I might already have a 9-year-old by then. Haha. So like you I don't want them now but who knows in the future. I hope you do get to have kids to a nice man. :)

Yep exactly. I feel like there's a lot of things I want to do first but 10 years is a veryyyy long-time and it's hard to say how I'll feel by then. Life changes so much.

If ever you decide you want kids, then I hope you can have some with a nice woman too, Mikey :)


Well-known member
Well, I gave it some thought and I've got some vague ideas:
  • Travel and see more of Canada
  • Publish a novel
  • Design a line of shirts
  • Finally finish my album
  • Wear a wedding dress
  • Help an unfortunate child (or more than one depending on my income)
  • Have a 'home'

I don't put a whole lot of thought into things since I find it hard to set goals for myself but I was asked to come up with some long term goals and these are the things I listed off.


Well-known member
I always dream about to get PPL and mayby CPL license, and I have a deep passion for boats, I would love to design one or have me own designing company for marine industry,
but other than dreaming about what to work in I would be just happy traveling or having family and a nice house


Well-known member
I dream of winning the lottery. :)

That aside, I dream of having a better life. Of being able to settle down with a nice girl, having a well paid job, live in a nice house in a nice area, enough money to not worry about necessities, but enough to afford luxuries...

Comfortable life, a few good friends and time to do the things I like. I dream of that.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I dream too much. Think too much...with little action. The things I dream of doing some day are actually doable and relatively normal which is kinda sad ('cause I don't give it my all to make them happen and they actually could happen, eh). I just want my own place...to feel stable enough to start a family...have friends to do things with...a job that makes me feel useful. And experience more. I just want more experiences. I want to swim with dolphins, haha...but first I gotta learn how to swim!


Cycling? You are defintely missing the wind in your face. A great experience. Perhaps someone could teach you?
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