What do you dream about doing "someday"??


I'm a dreamer - I spend a LOT of time planning all these things I want to do with my life but never get around to. I'm terrified of becoming one of those people who never find the courage to get up, leave the house and follow their dreams - but my fear of social situations would either stop me from doing it, or make the experience less enjoyable because I can't share it with anyone and make friends.

So I thought it would be interesting to see what other people dream about doing, if anyone has actually found the courage to follow a big dream of theirs and if anyone has any tips or advice for people like me who are too scared to take the first step?? :)


I'll go first - I'd love to travel, and as most of my friends only want to go on crazy raving holidays to ibiza or ayia napa, I'd like to go alone and meet people along the way. I think if I saved up and had enough money to go for 6 months to a year, not only would it give me time and space to clear my head and figure out what I want to do with my life, it would also be an amazing life experience and would definitely help me with meeting new people.

But as much as I want to meet new people, I'm terrified of it. Even if I could save enough money it would probably stay in the bank unless I could find a way to overcome my fears :(


Well-known member
I also have thoughts and dreams about things I want to do or be, but I rarely get around to it, due to nervousness, social phobia, low self esteem, and so on and so on, u know the drill.

I dream about

making more pictures/paintings/art
making more music
moving into a cozy house surrounded by nature, having cats and dogs and chicken
continuing my studies in reiki healing (I have 1st degree)
getting a drivers license

Anyway I am also really into travelling. Some years ago I went travelling ALONE for 3 months to Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama. I just forced myself to go, and I had been saving money to do it. Actually it went very well, I was actually able to travel far far away on my own, without having any nervous breakdowns and without screwing anything up along the way.
To my surprise I managed to become friends with two women and I travelled around with them for some weeks untill we went our seperate ways.
During the travelling, I was alone much of the time though, and at times it felt lonely. But hey, I am used to being alone and lonely, so I might as well be alone and lonely on a beautiful paradise beach or in a jungle, right.
Managing to do all that, kind of gave me a self esteem boost, but it didn´t last long and now I feel like I have as low self esteem as before I travelled.
Maybe the self esteem is mainly there, while I am actually travelling.
I can recommend it. It can be done.....
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Active member
yh i can relate, ive always wanted to travel the world, ever since i saw this video about 3 years ago.
Where the Hell is Matt? - YouTube
I dont think ill be dancing like him though lol but yh its a dream, i have no idea how it will happen but theres always a hope :)


Well-known member
I'll go first - I'd love to travel, and as most of my friends only want to go on crazy raving holidays to ibiza or ayia napa, I'd like to go alone and meet people along the way. I think if I saved up and had enough money to go for 6 months to a year, not only would it give me time and space to clear my head and figure out what I want to do with my life, it would also be an amazing life experience and would definitely help me with meeting new people.

But as much as I want to meet new people, I'm terrified of it. Even if I could save enough money it would probably stay in the bank unless I could find a way to overcome my fears :(
^This and also I want to help people as much as I can but that seem just impossible as at the same time
I'm terrified of them lol.

Mr Motivator

Active member
this is a bit obvious and im sure even people without social anxiety would say the same, but i just dream of being able to attempt anything and everything lol, i just dream of being able to throw away all my worries and insecurities and live my life. but i do have a lot of things i daydream about doing, travelling, working as some kind of artist/designer, and playing in a band :D iv been in 4 bands but always had to quit due to nerves :(

i can totally understand everyone wanting to travel, im hoping to go to canada this year. i feel safe and comfortable at home which is exactly why i need to go travelling lol, its an amazing way to break out of our 'safe place'


Well-known member

I'll be out of debt (2 yrs ish)

i'll be in my own house.

I may or may not have my own kids (god forbid!!)

ill stand in front of the kremlin, get my picture taken, and say jeez, im actually HERE! this is so cool!

Also, i wold LOVE to take the transiberian railway


Well-known member
I think that sorting out your 'dreams' into 2 categories:
-dream (an unlikely/impossible goal)
-and long term goal
could help out a bit.
Long term goals can be planned out into smaller steps and segments making up short term goals so that the goal or dream can be accomplished one day.

Here's an example:
- go to Mars (there aren't any short term goals that could be completed to make this come true... I don't think. haha. Not yet, anyway.)
long term goal
- travel the trans Siberian railway

short term goals
-save $300/month
-apply for passport
and if things go along smoothly- once you have your passport in hand, the rest of the short term goals can be planned out with friends/family or travel agents.

Something like that.
I've been asked to come up with dreams and goals by my therapist; and then to sort them and figure out the short term steps to accomplish them but I've got nothing so far.
It's healthy to have dreams even if you feel like they aren't obtainable.


Well-known member
Today I met a guy, who told me he has a masters degree in failure... He told me (about something he was doing) I have been trying for more than a year and it finally worked after trying over and over again..


Well-known member
I dream of hanging out with this person I really want to be friends with. I dream of having a good time and enjoying life. It only seems possible in my dreams but I know it could happen someday.


Well-known member
hi Jessica, I was just thinking about how I dream too big and need to tone it down for the sake of reality but here's some of them...

experiencing Africa, Japan. Mongolia and Tibet.
Swimming with whales and dolphins in the ocean..
having an amazing and definitive collection of art and books and music
living off the grid in a sweet house
a stable full of awesome riding horses-training facilities
have property bordering wilderness area
my own art studio-becoming an accomplished artist.
singing in another opera
soul mate ♥ found

More or less minus the travel I have attained a few things from my list, anxiety not getting the better of me.. though, not even close to the degree I would like to achieve them . I have never left the North American continent :( I have had one horse and no stable.. I really want to live off the grid more than anything, but the start up is costly, plus the land. Travel would be mind-blowing but I think I would rather stay on my land and enjoy it and never leave my animals or family, unless we could all go together.


Well-known member
I don't think I have a clear dream...

I think I'd just like to be happy, living around my loved ones. A simple, quiet life and create a family.


Really?? It's easier when your away from home? I still don't know if I'd trust myself lol being stranded in another country and being to scared to ask for help would be a nightmare... A few of you have said that though so maybe it would be easier.. I'll never know unless I try right :) finding somewhere that makes me more excited than scared is a good idea, the more exciting the place the further away it tends to be though lol.

Nanita that's really inspirational... Three months sounds like ages and the fact that you made friends to travel with is amazing. I'd LOVE to do that!!

Blandy, LOL that made me laugh! You definitely should go and you DEFINITELY should do the dance, and video it for us all haha :)


Well-known member
One dream I have made true is my running dream:

I have run 18 Half Marathons, one trail race (29km), numerous fun runs, masters championships. I've been all around the country and had some incredible adventures.

I dreaming of running a marathon this year.

I have other dreams to write flora field guides. novels and running books.


Active member
My dream is for my two children to have healthy, interesting lives when they become adullts. I hope they can become independant and secure. Which is everything my life is not.

My dream for myself is to be able to retire and travel the sooner the better.


Well-known member
My main dream is to have a life that I enjoy most of. What's scary is I really don't have any dreams besides that.

I don't care about a career, I just want a job that I can handle that gets me enough hours. I don't believe in dream jobs. All jobs that are possible to get for someone like me are boring and repetitious.

I don't want kids and I don't care about marriage right now. It's not my dream to be married but I can't say I'd not get married if I was in love.

After recently meeting up with a friend, and going on dates with different women, I have a feeling that my only dream of finding enjoyment out of most of my life is unrealistic. As negative as it sounds, it looks like I'm never really going be happy as a person. I just don't get enough out of personal relationships, and nothing else in life really makes me too happy. I may get short bursts of happiness, but those are few and far between.

I just don't see how there is much meaning in my life. I kind of just go through the motions every day without desire to do much. Maybe it's the anxiety, i don't really know. Maybe I'm just an apathetic person.


Active member
My dream is to be able to travel to Japan and buy every single Hello Kitty item that I see. And get it all home. Including a car, if need be.


Well-known member
My dream is to travel the world. I'd really like to go backpacking throughout Europe for three weeks or so (I'd like to go longer, but 3 weeks is about all I can get off from work). I just need to work up the courage to go traveling alone. There are a lot of good blogs out there about solo travel if that's what you want to do. I've looked online and I'm working on feeling confident enough to actually travel to Europe by myself like I want to. I don't even care about meeting people along the way, if I'm honest. I just want to see all the sights and experience everything.