What comment do you hate the most?


Well-known member
'So your gonna be in one of those moods today/tonight huh' (guilt trip tone)

Yeah that comment always makes me want to come out of my shell and be the life of the party. (sarcasm off)


Well-known member
*If I look at something in a "strange" manner*

"Are you ok?" -yes, piss off--

"Why do you always look like that" --It's the face I was born with--


*By my family*

"Why don't you smile more? You're always frowning" --What do you want? Me to smile like a retarded clown 24/7 even my myself looking like a maniac?--

"Haven't you got a boyfriend already?? oh dear! --No, Are you dead yet? :D--


*Whenever I drink,dance,flirt,curse or do something 'non shy and innocent'*

"OMG!! This CANNOT be you!! I can't believe this!! You're quiet..this is not like you!!! You're a saint! My how you've changed!!!"

--Look stupid I'm 22 years old..of course I know about sex. Just because I don't talk about it all the time or whore myself out every night doesn't mean I'm a saint or innocent. I'm an adult now, get used to it. And what just because I'm "quiet" does that mean I can't go dancing or have fun? >_>. You only know about me what I let you see--

You are a genius ! I'm gonna use those answers next time.:D


New member
"Wow, your first word!"
"You never talk"
"Why are you so quiet?"
"Why do you give everyone the silent treatment?"

Luckily, these comments aren't occuring as often as they used to. :)


Well-known member
Firts one would be definitelly: OMG hahahhaha look everybody..she is so red ahahaha..are u ok, are u maybe imbaressed? :eek: :D:D: stupid bastards lol..it' obvious helloooo..do you have to point that out? :D

You are not very social right? Why don't you say something? I hate when someone put a presure on me to talk. I'm usually talkative and like good 'fun' (Chained kako se kaže dobra zajebancija hahahha??) but give me a space and time..

Oh yes and definitelly that question in last year is most popular:
Why you don't have a boyfriend? You look good. So it's definitelly some other problem ha? I used to answering to people: yeah..I'm not really 'clear' in my head so they are runing from me like hell..
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Well-known member
Mine is:

"U look tired, r u ok??" => i effin hate tht cuz i have one of those eyes that make me look like im slightly high or drunk most of the time...

...I'm always the one who cheers every1 up nd talks the most nd thts wierd cuz i mite b the one feeling uncomfortable the most in the situation:) but i never give up nd...its my nature to talk alot and joke 'round. But as soon as some1 says the above words, it just makes me feel like i wanna walk away or punch tht person in da face!!! :mad::mad:


Well-known member
Like many, I hate it when someone tells me I'm quiet. "Grow up" really pisses me off. Sometimes I get angry and snap. I have a temper. Too bad. Sometimes I just need to blow. Lately, the most annoying is "how's your job search going?" It's not. I don't wanna talk about it. People think it's so easy. I've been avoiding talking to people more lately because I don't want that to come up. I just brush it off when it does.
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''You have no motivation at all''
''Because you don't face your fears, you are not willing to get over it''


Well-known member
''You have no motivation at all''
''Because you don't face your fears, you are not willing to get over it''

ugh i hate that and it's so not true! i have faced my fears. you can learn coping mechanisms for some situations, that is great, but others there is a point where nothing changes and you are just tormenting yourself.


Well-known member
I hate when my family or my boyfriends family say "She just doesn't stop talking" or say to me "Do you ever stop talking" and then everyone laughs, I know that they're only joking but I am so sick of hearing it that I just want to tell them to shut up but instead I just laugh along with them

"Scotty doesn't apply himself."
"You're not reaching your full potential."
"You're SO smart, you could be doing much more with your life. Use your mind."
"You can do it, just force yourself."
"I'm concerned about you. Why are you / why do you..."
"I'm afraid of you."


'chin up'

'Cheer up'


yeh im goign to smile when im feeling depressed and your comment makes me feel worse Thanks!!!
