What comment do you hate the most?


Well-known member
You're too nervous.
You're too sensitive.
You study too much.
Everybody hates you.
And as mentioned above, negative comments about my appearance.
the last one always hurts the most

what's wrong with these people....seriously...


Well-known member
Why are you giving me a weird look?

Because my mind is telling me one of two things, pluck your eyes out or just run far away. Besides maybe your the one giving me the weird look so I just returned it.


Well-known member
Why are you giving me a weird look?

I get that sometimes too. In my mind I'm just sitting there doing nothing.

The schizoid in me causes me to quite often have a blank look on my face. "Normal" people wear their emotions on their sleeve on way or another. Being constantly poker faced makes people nervous because they can't read me to see what emotional state I am in, even though quite often they just assume anger. I have no idea why they assume anger....I guess because I'm a big tough looking guy.


I dislike being winked at

can't stand being socially coached

"there you go" when I do "stand up for myself"

"hold your head up"

my favorite of all time-"you were in your patented daze again"
love the originality and feel kind of proud because it is true
I go somewhere else rather often

p.s. hello- I have not introduced myself here trying to find the words:cool:


Well-known member
I've never been to a social gathering for over 10yrs..so I cant remember. I get the 'there's nothing wrong with ya' comment from my dad sometimes.

I always get that comment from my parents but not from anyone else! Other people have said things in the past like ''why are you so shy?!''.....My parents are like in denial that there's something wrong with me.

When i am depressed for instance, to my parents it's simply that i am tired and need more sleep.


Title says it all - What comment do you hate the most at social gatherings?

Mine most be: "Wauw, you really talk alot!" and everyone looks at you and laugh..

Whats yours?

This one is mine aswell. I get different variations of it too like someone will say, "This girl won't shut up." and everyone laughs. "This girl is the life of the party." "You're a chatterbox." and etc.

Obviously making fun of how I barely even breathe at a social gathering. ::(:


Well-known member
I always get that comment from my parents but not from anyone else! Other people have said things in the past like ''why are you so shy?!''.....My parents are like in denial that there's something wrong with me.

When i am depressed for instance, to my parents it's simply that i am tired and need more sleep.
yeah, i get that from my parents as well. they start blaming it on me, saying if i went to bed earlier everything would be fine. that's my mom's most favourable excuse. she was like "well everyone gets shy once in a while" -_-


Well-known member
"You dont have social phobia"

Uhh, yes i do :confused:, just sometimes i either talk too much because im so nervous and come out with a load of rubbish talk which makes me seem confident, and othertimes im extremely quiet.
''Oh, you're just shy.'' ..Yeah, that -must- be it. I'm totally overreacting. >:c

''So, what job/education do you follow lately?'' None, because I'm too terrified to do so, and thank you for ripping that wound right open.

''Just come to the party, you'll like it a few minutes in.'' No. No, I won't.

But it are the subtle- and/or nonverbal comments that sting the most. :c
"Why don't you smile more? You're so pretty when you smile." It's especially irritating when it comes from strange men. Look douche, I didn't ask for your opinion and I don't tailor my behavior to suit your desires. Go be creepy somewhere else.

"Why are you so angry/serious/upset?" I wasn't in a bad mood before you started talking to me. How much you wanna bet correlation equals causation?

"What's wrong?" followed by "You know what you should do? (Insert unsolicited and useless advice here)" Oh hi, are you secretly a therapist? Didn't think so. STFU.


Well-known member
"Why are you so angry/serious/upset?"

"What's wrong?"

I get these two ALOT.

As a schizoid I just don't show emotion, especially facial expressions. I can be sitting there minding my own business thinking of absolutely nothing (or absolutely everything if having a ADD moment!) and get accused of being angry about something.

In fact I make people uneasy period. Subconsciously people read others faces as a means to base their own reaction...since I'm blank that makes me unreadable thus makes people uneasy around me. That's probably why I've always been described as "odd".


Well-known member
I get these two ALOT.

As a schizoid I just don't show emotion, especially facial expressions. I can be sitting there minding my own business thinking of absolutely nothing (or absolutely everything if having a ADD moment!) and get accused of being angry about something.

In fact I make people uneasy period. Subconsciously people read others faces as a means to base their own reaction...since I'm blank that makes me unreadable thus makes people uneasy around me. That's probably why I've always been described as "odd".

you should play poker :D
ok no kidding, the comment I hate the most is every one about the fact I'm silent, quiet, shy, upset, not-on-my-ease, not relaxed, odd. By the way there are very few unexpected comments from people accidentally around me that I like.


Well-known member
Not 'hate the most' because they are trying to say something helpful, but it makes me laugh:

'Don't be nervous.' :rolleyes:


Frequently in conversation I'll ask a question to which the answer seems obvious but I'm just looking for clarity (to be sure). Usually the response to this is some patronising 'wit' to score a few humour points at my expense. These comments wear at me the most.


Well-known member
"You know you don't think clearly when you're..."
I have no idea why but this sets me off to no end... to me they might as well be calling me an idiot.
Even if I give them the evil eye as they say it and they stop it still makes me pissed