What comment do you hate the most?


Well-known member
Forgot to mention this before. I hate it when people say things along the lines of "we gotta find you a boyfriend" or "when you're married..." or "someday when you have kids..." I can't stand when people make assumptions like that.:mad: I might get married but I don't just expect that it's gonna happen. The chances of that are kinda low. But no way am I having kids. I haven't made a clear point of that yet though. I kinda brush it off but one day I'm just gonna snap and shock the hell outta people. My dad is bad for making asinine comments like that. A few weeks ago I went out with my family to our trailer and he asked me "are you gonna bring a boyfriend out this summer?" I said "no." Then he asked "do you plan to stay single your whole life?" and I got pissy and said "I don't know." Yeah, like I really planned it that way. I'm just refusing to date and turning down guys all over the place.:rolleyes: The other day I was just sitting around talking with my family and my dad said "We need to find you a plumber boyfriend." I was like "no thanks." (He's a pipefitter, btw. No offense to anybody who does that type of thing, but I'm a geek and I just can't see myself going for a construction worker. We'd likely just clash.) I may be forgetting a comment or two here but he said "you gotta get married and have kids some day," and I'm thinking "No, I don't." But I just half-sarcastically said "o rly?" and he said "well your mom and I want grandkids some day." I kinda just shrugged that off. Then he asked "are you gonna be a career woman?" and my mom said "she needs a career first." I chuckled a bit and said "yeah" but thankfully that was about when the subject changed. Ugh, I really hate conversations like that.::eek::


Well-known member
"Get your head out of the clouds"
"Stop being so depressed, you're so selfish like that"
or any comment that downplays my torment... I get those so often


Well-known member
"why are you so quiet?"

SO RUDE. i don't point out your flaws, don't point out mine.

Yes it is pretty rude, as we quiet people don't go asking nosiy people "why are you so noisy?". When you think about it there's really no difference between the two questions!


Well-known member
''You'll find love when you least expect it!'' (what, so a woman is magically gonna appear in my room o'r what!?)

''Just be yourself''

''Don't worry so much!''

''Cheer up!''


Well-known member
I've been told so many things it's hard to choose which one was the worst, because they all hurt ::(:

"Stop being childish, immature, grow up, it's not a big deal, get over it, it's all in your head, quitter, loser, selfish, overly sensitive, you made yourself sick" etc, etc.

And most of these were told by people I trusted. Some friends huh? I don't talk to them anymore.

petrified eyes

Well-known member
"You need to get out more."
"You're quiet."
"You need to get a girlfriend."
"How come you never call me?"
"You need to get a job."
"Just talk to/call her, it's not that hard."
"Why do you always sit in the corner?"
From my mom, though I know she means no harm:

"It's not good for you to sit around here all day, I just don't think it's healthy".

No **** sherlock, I hadn't thought about that all day everyday. If you want to make me feel like crap and ruin my whole day mentally, say something about the fact that I have no life.


Well-known member
"Get your head out of the clouds"
"Stop being so depressed, you're so selfish like that"
or any comment that downplays my torment... I get those so often

Definitely can relate to those ones. The very few people who know the reason for my problems still don't understand how difficult it is to deal with the most normal and basic things of human interaction. I guess there hearts in the right place but being told to "get over it it's not that hard to do" by people who don't know what the **** it's like doesn't help, only hurts.


I hate the "are you ok" and "why are you so quiet" comments but the ones that really cut deep are

"Mom, why don't you have any friends? Aren't you lonely?"

"PLEASE can we go to person's house/place of business? Why don't you ever take us anywhere? Why is it always daddy?"