What book are you currently reading?


Well-known member

:eek: It's been novelized?!?! I had no idea (what a shameful RE fan)
Love RE to death! Literally~ :D


Well-known member
I love to read. I need to read more. I am happy people still do! With all the technology and printed books even be a thing of the past because of the kindle and such...it's great to see so many of you still read. A lot of you read the classics too.. that's awesome. :) I have so many books, mostly in my storage shed. (I hate being separated) I miss them like old friends.


Well-known member

that was great. I saw the movie. I cannot believe to what lengths some parents will go to help their kids. Beautiful family. I wonder where they are now with him? I loved the horse theme, and how horses helped him.
Temple Grandin is a very inspiring autistic woman who has done amazing things (written a book too) and helped animals. Just saw the movie about her a while back with Clair Danes. So good!


Well-known member
Almost done reading Guy Sajer's The Forgotten Soldier again. Then I'll probably read Ernst Jünger's book about his experiences in WWI, since that arrived on Saturday.

I'm starting to think I'm living on the wrong continent.... :D


I'm reading a book called "the power of the subconscious mind" and I'm also reading an interesting book about the power of the jewish lobby and it's influnce in america( don't know it's name in english):)
I just finished my previous book and now I can't choose between "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky and "Amerika" by Franz Kafka.


Well-known member
mine's an outtie

not an innie

haha-- coyote!! XD
I don't read those magazines, personally... of their 'tips' just seem like common sense to me.
I mean... what?!
I didn't say anything!

We're doing images now?
I'm reading


Backwards- at the same time.
Go super dyslexia powers!