I'm reading a book called The Room (not anything to do with the film)
Basically it's told through the perspective of a five year old boy called Jack. Because of this it's quite difficult to read and hard to follow but it's good in a way because it's used to slowly reveal the plot.
The book is set in a place Jack calls Room. Jack has lived with his mother (called Ma in the book) in Room for his whole life and is happy. He's told by Ma that only the things inside Room are real and everything else outside isn't. Jack's "friends" are objects in Room and he names them all with capital letters (eg Spoon, Bed, Wardrobe) and because it's told from his perspective they are kind of their own characters.
Every night a man who is "half real" (as he exists outside and in Room) enters Room through a metal door who Jack calls Old Nick. Ma tells Jack to stay inside Wardrobe so Jack never meets Old Nick properly at first, but he overhears short conversations followed by numerous creaking noises.
Now below I'm kinda giving away what happens so *SPOILERS!*
So as I'm reading this I'm thinking "what the hell is this book supposed to be about!?" but as the story progresses through conversations Jack overhears with Old Nick and Ma you realise what's going on. Ma was a teenage girl who was kidnapped by Old Nick years ago and imprisoned in a soundproof room. Old Nick has been raping Ma ever since and Jack is a result of that (also why Ma tells Jack to stay in the wardrobe every night so he doesn't see it happening). Ma eventually tells Jack that she lied about the outside world to protect him. She then says that they need to escape.
This book was written after the Josef Fritzl case so you can see this book was clearly influenced by it. There's some other big things that happen but I don't want to spoil everything. I haven't quite finished it yet but it's definitely a very unique book.