What book are you currently reading?

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
In english we are reading the great gatsby but F. Scott Fitzgerald (sp?), very good book, outside of class I am on issue 10 of silver surfer vol. 1.


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On Writing Horror: A Handbook by the Horror Writers Association

I may also get in to reading Blood & Chocolate, Salem's Lot or finish ... well, I have a lot of novels to finish that are currently on my bookshelf. I just finished Cell last night and decided to give my brain a break for a day or two from reading fiction to reading books on writing different genres.


On Writing Horror: A Handbook by the Horror Writers Association

I may also get in to reading Blood & Chocolate, Salem's Lot or finish ... well, I have a lot of novels to finish that are currently on my bookshelf. I just finished Cell last night and decided to give my brain a break for a day or two from reading fiction to reading books on writing different genres.

You mean Cell by Stephen King? I just finished that one too. Not sure I like the sudden stop at the end. Thats the only book of his I've read, he doesn't do that often does he?


Well-known member
You mean Cell by Stephen King? I just finished that one too. Not sure I like the sudden stop at the end. Thats the only book of his I've read, he doesn't do that often does he?

Yeah, that's the one.
And to be honest, I dunno how the other books endings are because Cell is the first Stephen King novel I've read, too. I have his other book, Salem's Lot, which I haven't finished yet. So I'm not sure what to say.
I'm pretty sure, though, his endings are all different; So I don't think they'd all have that kind of an ending.

Sorry I can't be much help.


Well-known member
I'm currently reading "Mr. B. Gone" by Clive Barker. Came across this book from a friend who hadn't read it yet. Its about a little demon from the underworld who gets "caught" by a mans fishing line and ends up in the upperworld. Its ok, so far. The premise is that the demon posesses the book and from the begining of the tale, he (the demon) is begging you (the reader) to burn the book and put him out of his misery. Little graphic at times- for example, the author describes how the demon falls instantly in love w/a woman who shortly thereafter falls into a boiling hot pot of water and when the others try to pull her free u can hear the "slup" sound of her skin sliding off from her hands. Pretty gruesome there but for the most part an ok read. Want to find out why the demon is contained within the book.

you better not cry by auguten burroughs
I read "Running w/ scissors" and another book by him. They were ok.
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Well-known member
We're reading The Scarlet Letter in my English class right now. I would like it a lot more if my teacher weren't being such a pain about it with her ridiculous projects.

Hastings & Main

Well-known member
Too Cool by Duff Brenna, just finished. About four wayward teens (2 boys, 2 girls) who get trapped in a car in the middle of nowhere outside Denver buried in snow. Very well written, suspenseful...

Just started Handling the Undead, new one by John Lindqvist who did the amazing Let the Right One In. He's going for zombies instead of vampires this time.
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Stuff White People Like: The definitive guide to the unique taste of millions.


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I am reading The State of the Universe by pedro ferreira,I am in the middle ,also reading Minna no nihongo 3(japanese grammar book,hard as hell) How English Works a Grammar Practice book with answers by micheal swan and catherine walker,Basic college mathemathics by john tobey and jeffrey slater,just started master math basic math and pre algebra by debra ross and general chemistry by linus pauling,hopefully I can remember a couple things,I will buy a pyshics book next week,its time to man up and next year or after next year maybe go back to school.


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Vampire Academy - Last Sacrifice

just finished, totally shocking, good but very disappointing at the same time 0.o
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Horus Heresy- The First Heretic. Not impressed so far, there is already a mustache twirling evil dude who you know is going to be the main villain.

Why can't we have good people with flaws, or flawed people with redeemable qualities who end up the "bad guys".I don't like how authors portray some characters as cheesy comic book villains.