Weather reports, please!


Well-known member
It's about 50 degrees outside, with a slight breeze. It's nice, but I'd like some god damned snow for Christmas.
^ We're the same way. STILL. The other day I woke up to a 1/2 inch of snow, which is the most we've got in the last month. I was hoping it would last, and then it would snow some more. It didn't. Everything is back to mud and 40+ degree temperatures. >.<


Well-known member
over the yardarm

Golden evening.

If there were any beer in the house, I'd go sit outside and have one.


Well-known member
a light dusting, just in time for Christmas



Well-known member
I woke up yesterday morning to snow covering everything; it was so beautiful! It had mostly melted by the end of the day, and today is sunny and warmer. I'm sad I didn't get a chance to get out for a walk in it, but it was nice while it lasted.